Based on Silent Scream

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Reveal Story Gone Wrong. Things to Note: In this one-shot, Alya does not know who Ladybug is. Adrien and Marinette have not dated Luka and Kagami yet. I've also placed them in their last years of middle school, so they'd be fourteen turning fifteen. As I know it says that Juleka and Luka are twins, but why would they go to different schools, but seeing as Mari had never met Luka or at least that's how it presented I'm gonna say he's a year older here. 

Marinette had been the Guardian for just over three months. And what a rotten three months it had been. Lila's lies were working to at least they kind of where. With Marinette being guardian she didn't really have time to stress over lying Lila. Rose after talking to Prince Ali found out Lila had lied about her friendship with him. Jules after finding out that her bother's father was Jagged Stone, learned that Lia had been lying about that too. Mylene had seen Lila playing ball with some kid in the park for "charity". But Lila had said she had some kind of problem with that, so not only did she find out Lila was lying she also apologized to Marinette for thinking bad of her. Ivan believed his girlfriend and soon just believed everything out of Lila's mouth was a lie. And well there was Luka, Luka always trusted and believed Mari he also wasn't in their class so he just found the girl to be annoying, whenever she came around. 

So while Mari had friends in Kitty Section, her oldest friend Nino often found he was stuck between his girlfriend and his oldest friend. Ayla still found the girl to be amazing, and often sided with her over her "best friend". Nino would often give Mari a sad smile and follow Alya, Mari understood, she didn't like it but she didn't hold it against Nino. She'd also seen him goggling some of Lila's stories and bookmarking them, no doubt to try and get his girlfriend to listen to him later. Then there was Adrien, the boy Marinette wished she could forgive and forget about. His years of dealing with bad press told him the best thing to do with lies was to ignore them.  So he often pushed Mari to ignore them too, he didn't know she'd been threatened by Lila, and that the lies were hurting her. Even after Lila tried to get her expelled Adrien still told her to leave it be. Sure he stood up for her, but it wasn't enough. She'd given up standing up to Lila, seeing that if her band friends could see the truth, maybe her classmates would too. 

"Tiki this is all too much I think I need to know who Chat Noir is, just so I can contact him at all times." Mari sat exhausted on her bed. "Summer is only three months away, I would love to take a break and join the band on the small tour they're trying to set up, and that would be easier if I could be in contact with Chat Noir. We saw how well the remote and kitty worked out last time." She giggled.

"Are you sure the break is the only reason you want to go on tour?" Tiki teased. 

"Okay, and maybe spending time with Luka would be really nice. He's been so helpful lately. And he's not pushy about going on a date. Adrien is always gonna be forced to be something he's not, and if I were to be with him, that's another layer of perfect I'd need to be. Even as his friend there's a level of perfection he expects me to be. " 

Tiki knew finding out who Chat Noir was right now wasn't the best idea, she'd just be hurt. But maybe just maybe it's what Adrien needed to finally be free from his box of perfection.  "Alright, Marinette but you need him to understand he still can't know who you are. It's too risky."

"I'll do my best Tiki, and if he won't agree that's okay I won't force him." She and the Kwamis cleaned her room and by the time they were done, it was time for patrol. "Tiki, Spots on!" Soon she was jumping across Paris. She saw Chat Noir sitting waiting for her. "Hiya, Kitty!" 

"Why Hello My Lady!" He kissed her hand and she pushed his nose away. 

"Before we start patrol I need to tell you something. If you want, because I'm now Gardien I can know who you are. I still need to keep my identity a secret, but I one of those texting apps, and created a number different than mine so that we could be in contact when we aren't transformed." She looked at him hopefully. 

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