Based on Break Up In A Small Town

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AN: So lets a take a different approached to the Lukanette story, what if Marinette and Adrien had dated first? What if he had let her go because he still loves Ladybug? What if he realizes that he still loves her or at least is hurt that she moved on. In this story, we will see Nino, Alya's, and Adrien's point of view on Luka and Marinette's new relationship.  

"Adrien my Dude! You ready to rock the stage tonight?" Nino handed him the setlist, "Your number 6 on the list." 

"Sure am dude, your sure they're not gonna be here?" Adrien was looking forward to singing a song that well would help him let go, at least he thought so, hadn't Luka always said speaking with music was always easier. Not that he wanted to think about Luka right now. 

"They're not on the list, neither is Kitty Section, so you should be good." Nino waved him off and he headed to the VIP section, it wasn't always that he used his model power but tonight was a night for him so he was gonna treat himself and his two friends. Tonight was for moving on. 


Nino watched his friend leave, he wanted to feel bad for his best friend, but at the same time, he had been an idiot. He hadn't really been in love with Marinette when they started dating or liked her in that way, he just wanted to make her happy. It had worked for a spell, he and Alya both thought that maybe Adrien had let go of this mystery girl. Who never seemed to give him the time of day, until he messed up and he hurt Mares feeling, which led to the doubt, which led to the breakup. Four months later. Mari came to school with a turtle neck vest on, not her normal style but she claimed she was branching out. But Alya got the real story. 

She and Nino kept her secret, and they kept it to themselves for months, but now, they were everywhere together. You couldn't not run into them. He still felt kinda sad for him, even it was his fault. 

The night was going smoothly enough, he was waiting for Alya, Adrien's song was the next one and she wasn't here yet. When she walked in his stomach dropped. Mari and Luka were right behind her. "Hey, Nino Love sorry were are late, but were busy getting movie night ready for when your shift is done." She kissed him. 

"Wait, that's tonight! Oh no, this is bad very bad. Adrien is getting ready to sing." Nino looked at his other three friends. 

"Oh! His voice is really good, we've had him sing a song or with the band, he normally does harmony but I bet his voice is great for solos. Mare go get lost in the crowd kay?" He offered her arm. 

"That sounds wise Lu, Text us if you can't make it to the houseboat okay? Rose and Jules are always willing to join us if Adrien needs you." They went and disappeared into the crowd. 


Alya watched her bestie go, "Sorry babe guess we got our wires crossed." 

"How did they know he wouldn't want to see them here tonight." Nino looked at her. 

"Mari knows Adrien better than he does it seems, and Luka well he just gets people, who know they might even leave." She shrugged. She did a quick crowd scan she found the two blueberries did sick out a bit. But they were near the door. Mari looked at Luka like he hung the stars, and he took great care of her, Alya really couldn't complain. Though she did miss Adrien and Mari as a couple. But Adrien had screwed up, so she was team whatever made Mari happy 100%. So she smiled and turned to watch Adrien sing his song. 


Adrien watched from just out of his friend's view, looks like Nino and Alya doubled booked themselves. Thought maybe Luka and Mari left, but maybe if they didn't he would still be able to sing, after all, he needed to let this go. 

He stepped out to sing. 

I knew I'd see her around
I'd be at some party, she'd show up and I'd be walking out
Or across some parking lot hiding behind her best friend
I'd look up, she'd be at the red light beside me
In that white Maxima with the sticker on the back
I'd act like I didn't see her
But we'd pay at the same pumps
Flip through the same stations
And slow down for the same curves
Run around with the same crowds
But we just needed some time
She could get on with her life and I'd get on with mine
Thought I would be fine, heh, maybe not
I knew she'd find a way to get over me
But I'd never thought

He looked up and saw them at the door, too lost in each other to even notice he was on stage. 

She would get down with somebody I know
I guess that's just how it goes
When you break up in a small town
I see our friends and they put on a show
Like they don't want me to know
So they give me the go-around

Luka looked up at him, he noticed, Mari had not, but then again she wasn't as familiar with his voice. Luka gave him a smirk and pulled Mari into a hug, making it so her back was turned to him. 

But there's only so many streets, so many lights
I swear it's like I can't even leave my house
I should've known all along
You gotta move or move on
When you break up in a small town

The couple started to dance, moving to the beat. Luka never looked away. 

For a while I guess they were keeping it low-key
But now it's like these county lines closing in on me
But I see 'em everywhere together
And it's hitting a little too close to home
She's so far gone, but she didn't go far
She was over me before the grass grew back where she used to park her car
She's leaving those same marks in someone else's yard
Someone else's arms right down the road
And I never thought

Adrien felt himself get more and more angered and frustrated, so he sang harder. 

She would get down with somebody I know
I guess that's just how it goes
When you break up in a small town
I see our friends and they put on a show
Like they don't want me to know
So they give me the go-around

As if Mari suddenly caught on she turned and locked eyes with Adrien. She tried to leave, Luka stopped her and whisper something in her ear. 

But there's only so many streets, so many lights
I swear it's like I can't even leave my house
I should've known all along
You gotta move or move on
When you break up in a small town

Whatever it was, it stopped her from trying to leave. she instead took Luka's hand and swayed to the rhythm of the song. 

Her mailbox is seven minutes from mine
And I drive into town sometimes and I see you sittin' there with him
And I wanna jump out, I wanna fight
I wanna say, "F- that guy!" but I can't
'Cause it's my fault, and I let her go
I never thought that

He sang like he had nothing left in him, pouring out all his feelings. 

She would get down with somebody I know
I guess that's just how it goes
When you break up in a small town
I see our friends and they put on a show
Like they don't want me to know
So they give me the go-around

As his wave of exhumation hit him, he looked up and saw Luka, the smirk gone, a soft smile remained. Luka understood how he felt, Luka had been in his shoes, only Mari had picked him over Luka. Luka knew he needed to play it out, as he so often said, so maybe Luka had just wanted to help him? Luak gave him a subtle nod and left with Mari. 

But there's only so many streets and so many lights
I swear it's like I can't even leave my house
I should've known all along
You gotta move or move on
When you break up in a small town

Maybe it really was time to just get out of pairs..... only time would tell. 

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