Inspired by Church Bells

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AN If you know this song it deals with abuse and killing your partners. Keep that in mind as you read. Also, Adrien is the villain in this story, sorry

Mari grew up in a small town just outside of Paris with her parents. They ran a small bakery that kept a roof over their head but they were broke. Mari could have cared less, she could run and play how ever she wanted. As she grew up she stopped running and playing but still had fun, There was a boy who lived on a boat and with blue hair would come to visit every three months to their little town. She would spend her weekend with him, she would listen to his stories and hear his music, and fall in love. 

She would spend her days helping her parents, and she would work on designs. She dreamed of designing her clothes and selling her clothes to others. One night when Luka her blue-haired boat boy was in town, he agreed to take her into Paris for a night of dancing. She wore a dress she'd made from fabric she bought at the local dime store. 

She was having the time of her life dancing and was ready to ask Luka to take her with him on his boat. When a boy with perfect blond hair and a well-tailored suit. "I've been watching you dance all night." He gave her a sweet smile, that made her feel warm inside. "Would you mind if I steal your date for a dance." He asked Luka. 

"I don't mind if she is okay with it." Luka let go of her arm. 

"Only once dance sir." She smiled and took his arm. 

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." He told her as he pulled her in by the waist. 

"I bet you say that to all the ladies." She felt a blush creep up her face.

"Maybe, but I'm a model and my father runs the biggest fashion brand in Paris, and I can tell you didn't buy that dress. You had to have made it." He twirled her and clearly looked her up and down. 

"Oh wow, I've always wanted to sell my designs." She looked up at him with hope in her eyes. 

"I'll give you my card, call me for dinner and I'll see what I can do." He kissed her on the cheek and his business card. And sent her back to Luka. 

"Luka he just offered me a chance to live my dreams." She twirled into his arms. 

"You should take it, Mare. And if it doesn't work out, I'll come back and take you away." He winked. 

"You really think I could do it?" She wasn't sure.

"You could do anything you wanted, Mare." He kissed her forehead. 

Soon Luka's visit was over and he was gone, and she went out for dinner with the blond-haired boy. His name was Adrien, and he was the perfect gentlemen. He couldn't get his father to hire her, but he offered her something that she could only dream off. "So my father has no need for new workers, but if you marry me when I get the company handed to me I will make you the head designer. Until then you can live a life of luxury." She thought of her blue-haired boat boy, she loved him, she knew she did, but Adrien was giving her an escape from a broke life, he could even help her parents, you didn't have to marry for love right? She accepted his offer. 

With roses in her hands, wearing more diamonds than she thought possible. She spent the morning sipping on champagne trying to wash away her guilt. She went from a small-town girl to all uptown. She was wearing that white gown and got ready to take his last name. As she walked out with church with Adrien, she could hear the church bells ringing, and in the distance, she could hear from up in the loft, that whole choir's singing. As Adrien open her limo door and helped in she took a moment and folded her hands and closed her eyes and thought of Luka, she hoped he was doing alright. 

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