Inspired by My Boyfriend's Back Part 1

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Authors Note: There is no Miraculous in this world. They are getting ready to graduate high school. Luka who is a year older than everyone else is currently touring with Jagged as a backup guitarist. Otherwise, things are the same.  This part of the story however is the how they met. 

Mariette had a secret, and it was a big one at that. She at age eighteen ran a fashion influence blog. And it was decently popular, it wasn't globally well know but it was well known in her area. She was known as Lady Luck. Lady Luck both designed and critique designs, she also promoted new designers. Lady Luck had a 50's retro vibe to her designs and she would make special custom work for her favourite models or young designers, it was how she got her small fame, people loved the mystery that came with her. However, the costume work never fit the way she wanted to be she needed some who knew her secret and that person was MCD Designs. Yep, it was herself. She started MCD Designs in grade ten when she wanted to branch away from the retro vibe. So she sent herself as Lady Luck's assistant to get the model's measurements. She loved everything about it. Little did she know that her lovely Blog would create problems for her grad year. 

But let's back up to last year. Mariette was three months into her grade 11 year. She had started spending her spare in the art room, working on designs for both accounts. The art room also had had practice rooms that music students could use. Her art teacher said it was fine if she used the art room, he didn't have a class and as far as he knew he didn't have any students using the practice rooms. However, after her first day of spending her spare in the art room, she heard the most amazing sounds. In the hour she was there she heard both acoustic and electric guitar. On her second day, she heard a violin. Whoever this was they played beautifully. She never saw who played this lovely music, because she always had an alarm set so she wouldn't be late for her next class. 

However, one day as Marienttes luck would have it her phone was dying during her spare. She, however, didn't notice. She was working on her newest MCD Desing for her post later today. It was a cute sweater vest top. She was so in the zone that she didn't notice the music stop or the door to the practice room open.  "Hey, Little Mouse what ya drawing?"

"Eep!" Marinette jumped and dropped her sketchbook.

The boy who scared her quickly helped her pickup up everything, "Gee I'm sorry, I thought you heard me. Clearly, you're like me and get too lost in your work." He laughed and laughed along with him.

"Wait why did you call me Little Mouse?" She was grateful for Lady Luck's sketchbook was safely in her bag, MCD Designs' sketches were fine to be seen early. 

The boy tapped his head, "Space buns, they always remind me of a mouse. My name Luka Couffaine," he reached out his hand.

She shook his hand in return. "And I'm.."

"MCD Designs." He smiled handing her a monogrammed sketchbook. 

"Which stands for Marinette Dupain-Cheng." She took her sketchbook back. "You play really well. I find it to be very inspiring." 

"You the designer who works closely with the fashion influencer Lady Luck uses my music to be inspired... Wow, I feel honoured." He looked like he meant it.

"You know my work?" She looked him up and down, he wore a Jagged Stone shirt, a complementing blue zippered hoodie, black ripped jeans and back converse. "You don't look like someone who wears my or Lady Luck styles." 

He blushed, "My sister has modelled for you in the past I had to follow you after that, your work is amazing. If I didn't have an image to keep up, I would definitely wear your clothes." 

She giggled, "I don't think you'd look good if pink plants." 

His blush deepened, "I meant your designs." He rubbed the back of his neck. 

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