Inspired by My Boyfriend's Back Part 2

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Same notes as before

It was a rainy day in April, so Luka and Marinette sat in his room on his family's houseboat the Liberty. Juleka had gotten a girlfriend before Luka and had put up enough of a fight for her to get her own room, that their mom cleaned out what she had made a storage room. Which were great feet in and of itself. Luka had replaced Jule's bed with a futon so he had a couch in his room and a bed for his friends to crash on. He sat on the futon and strummed his guitar while Mari was curled up on his bed sketching her life away. She always sketched best when he played for her.  He'd been playing with his eyes closed for about half an hour. His phone beeped. He stopped play, and when Mari didn't object he checked his phone. 

He saw it was a notification for the Lucky Lady Blog. Seeing as his Mouse hadn't complained about the lack of music he opened the notification, it was a new post for the Lucky Lady herself. 

Hey Everyone! I hope you're having a great week! Last week, my best gal friend talked, and she reminded me it's almost prom dress time! I know some of your school do big nights for prom and other do big nights on grad, Now you guys know I'm all about the limited drops and don't make custom work often for profit. But since prom and grad, I'm going to make three unique designs for some gals who follow me. But here's the deal, I want these dresses to mean something, so each design will be auction off and the money will go to charity. Then MCD Designs will take her measurements and I will create the dress. Here is a sketch of the first retro dress, thanks Viperion for the helpful inspiring tunes! 

Luka smiled as he put his phone away, Lady Luck had been taking him a lot more often in the last few months. She and Mari must be close if she wanted her friend's boyfriend's music to succeed so much. He heard his Mouse yawn, they'd been creating for over two hours and hadn't really talked, they had dates like this sometimes, it worked best for both of them. Her brand was building notoriety and after his EP dropped Jagged wanted him to be working on some new stuff and maybe join him on the road for a tour. After she yawned he realized he was worn out. Maybe a nap was in order for both of them. 

He walked across the room. She was humming the song he's been playing, maybe that's why she hadn't noticed he'd stop playing, she was hearing in her mind. He smiled, it was sweet she knew his songs so well. She was sitting in such a way he could walk behind her. So he was just about to wrap his arms around her shoulders and tell her break time when he looked down at her sketch pad. And he saw it, it was the dress Lady Luck had just posted. But how?

"Mouse?" He spoke softly but didn't hide the curiosity in his voice. 

"Eeck!" She squeaked. So much like a mouse, he laughed. But now was not the time for cuteness. 

"Marinette, why did Lady Luck use your design in her post today? She's not using you is she? I'll spill if she is you should get credit for your own work." He spoke softly but firmly. 

"No Vie, it's not even possible for her to steal my designs." She whisped. 

"But Mous." He stopped mid-sentence. She had closed her book and saw the cursive writing of the Lady Luck sketchbook he'd seen in hundreds of posts.  "You're?" She simply nodded. She opened her mouth to respond. But he put a figure to her lips. "Nap first. Talk later." He took the sketchbook from her hand and placed it in her bag, so Jules wouldn't see it if she came in to take a picture of them sleeping together. Then he scooped her up and repositioned her on the bed with him and the curled up. He set a 45-minute timer on his phone.

Just before he slipped into his temporary slumber, he heard "Thank you for not freaking out Vie." She nuzzled in closer. He simply kissed her forehead in response. 


After she and Luka woke up from their nap, they sat holding hands on the bed, it was how they had all their important talks. Not that this was huge, but it was a secret she'd been withholding. "So your Lady Luck?" Luka started. 

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