Inspired By Would You Be So Kind

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AN: This is really loosely based on this song but the main inspiration is the line "Let's swap chests today" 

It was a warm summer day and Mari was getting ready for a day at the beach with Kitty Section and a few of her other friends, but somehow Adrien had gotten his father to agree to let him come with them! Oh, how she wished she could tell him how she felt. If only there was a way for him to know how she felt. 

She glanced at a book that her grandmother had given her for her last birthday, telling her that, "In my family, some girls can be a little magical, maybe you'll get lucky too." Mari thought it was an odd gift, and had never opened it but, maybe, just maybe it could help her. She opened the book to the table of contents, seeing a spell called, Find Out Who Shares Your Love she turned to that page. 

Is your heart torn between two souls? Do you long to know if the one your heart wants? Then use this spell, you will trade hearts with them for 24 hours and once you lock eyes, you both will know. Warning: If you avoid making eye contact with them, the longing in both your hearts will start to hurt.

Seemed simple enough, she knew her heart was loyal to Adrien. Luka flashed in her mind, No! She loved Adrien, she had to. Otherwise, she made a fool of herself of nothing. The spell seemed simple enough if it even worked. 

"I think it's only fair
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere,
Do me a favour
Can your heart rate rise a little,
Do you need some time?
Let's swap chests today
That might help us decide."
With the spell spoke she waited to see if she felt any different, nothing yet, she did notice she no longer felt like looking into Adrien's green dreamy eyes, but she supposed if he had Adrien's heart that would make sense. She quickly got her bag ready and headed to the beach. 

Adrien was already there when she got there. "Hey, Adrien!" 

"Oh Hi Mari, wow you're on time!" He teased her. 

"Ya, I was excited, it's been a while since everyone has been together." Hum, she wasn't stuttering, but she also didn't feel anything. Had the spell worked?

Soon everyone showed up, well almost everyone, "Where Luka?" Mari saw that Kitty Section pulled up.

"Oh, he got called into work. He'll join us later." Julka gave her a soft smile.

"Oh, that's why you were so excited. You wanna see Luka." Adrien teased her again.

"Shut up." She winced. Wait what, why did care so much? She also noticed at the mention of Luka's name she had butterflies in her stomach. 

They went throughout the afternoon, the gang played in the water splashed, at one point Mari got out to put on a new layer of sunscreen. When she sees Luka ride by on his bike no doubt making another delivery. She felt a bang in her chest. She saw him stumble could it be? Did he have her heart? She thought about running to him, just to see if it was true. But before she could take off, she felt herself getting drenched by a water gun. 

Nino let out a laugh and ran back to the water. Luka would have to wait, she could handle a little bit of pain until he got here. She had to get back at Nino. 

A little while later Luka did show up, but before they could even share a look with one another the girls pulled Mari away to look for seashells, and the boys invited Luka to join chicken fights. Mari could tell every time Luka looked at her, she felt a pain in her chest, she turn to look at him, hoping to catch his eye but he'd be in the water or have his back to her. But he'd make a gesture like he was in pain too. Finally, she got tired of her friends stopping her so she went to her bag and picked up her phone and sent Luka a message, Hey Lu! I'm not feeling great, I'm "gonna head home" Meet me at our spot, Kay? "Hey, guys my parents need me at the bakery! I'll catch you at the drive into kay?"

The group waved her off and once she got farther away, she saw Luka walk to his bag and grab his own phone, this wasn't the first time they left a group activity early to talk. She climbed up into their tree in the park, Luka joined her after she was settled. They sat back to back. This was how they always sat, at the start of their tree talks. 

"I have a question, it's might seem strange." She picked at the branch. 

"Okay?" He laughed. 

"How are your lungs? Are they in pain?" She waited. 

"Ya, they are, there feel like they're burning." She felt him shift on the branch. 

"Mine are aching, I think I know why. But I kinda like it though." She turned, "Face me please." She closed her eyes and moved so she and Luka were face to face. Then she opened her eyes. 

"Oh." he let out a sigh of relief. Then he seemed to understand, "I know you know that I like you, But that's not enough, So if you will please fall in love with me." 

"Let's write a story, be in my book I'll join you on your page." She offered him her hand. 

"It could be a pretty crazy story, what about..." He stopped. 

"You have my heart, I chose you." She smiled and leaned in and kissed him. 

He kissed her back. "That was worth the wait." He smiled back. 

"Our friends are gonna lose it tonight." She giggled. 

"Wanna go on my motorbike really give them a reason to talk?" He smirked. 

"Hell ya, I do!" She smiled.

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