Part Forty Four

142 3 56

"in the city when two worlds collide"
play song above when you see the *

warning//gun violence, blood -

I wake up to my phone vibrating beside me, I groan pulling the covers over my head before feeling Harry's arm pull me closer to his chest and automatically softening when feeling his heartbeat against my back, throwing the blanket back off my head.

My mind then wanders to last night, the karaoke, skinny dipping and Harry asking me to be his girlfriend, I don't think I had ever been happier than what I was in that moment with him.

And now officially being his and not being confused on labels, it makes everything feel so fit into place now, Zayn was right after all Harry had fallen for me and I think I've fell just as damn hard.

Harry hums from behind me kissing the side of my head before turning over and checking his phone, I let out a huff at the sudden loss of contact, he sucks in a harsh breath, and I roll over to see what he's looking at to see a text from James.

I roll my eyes at the name at the top screen before reading the text.

From: James

Good morning, just letting you all know that I have a task for the group of you today which needs to be finished by the latest of 5pm no later, I don't expect any of you to end up killed today especially by the hands of one of you (Cordelia) I will now send over the details of the task, it's a big one so good luck.

-         James

Rage fills me when I see him mention my name like that, who does he think I am some kid of psycho like he is, I don't even know why he mentioned my name in the first place, I tap the top of the screen to see who's in the group text to see my number, Harrys' and then Louis and Niall's, oh you have got to be kidding me.

I have not spoken to either of them since finding out they work for Peres, I'm pissed at the both of them but most especially Niall, how could he do this knowing it could result in Gen somehow getting involved, fucking asshole.

"No fucking promises" I scoff rolling back over in bed and shutting my eyes again trying to get back to sleep, I hear Harry place his phone back down and run his hand over my stomach and pull me back towards him.

"Baby, I know you're mad, but we really need to do this task today and not kill any of our own" he says softly, I grunt rolling my eyes "he deserves it" I spit angry that James ever suggested that we worked in groups for assignments like this, me and Harry would be find working in a duo.

"We don't know why he did it though, James could have threatened him with Gen" he says, I let out a soft sigh and open my eyes again rolling over to look at him "but why would he, to get to me somehow?" I suggest, Harry just shrugs "I don't know but that might be a possible reason yes" he says stroking my hair soothing me.

"It's just so shit, I don't want anything happening to Gen because the two most important people in her life are in this fucking gang/group/cult thing that we cant get out of unless we want to be killed and we cant tell anyone about because they'll be killed, god Harry if she finds out and James finds out that she knows I don't know what I'll do with myself if anything happens to her" I ramble, as he soothes me and pulls me into his chest shushing me as a few tears scream for release.

I shake my head not being able comprehend what is happening, fair enough if I'm in this shit, but the fact that James know exactly who Gen is and knows how much she means to me terrifies me and makes me think of all the shit he could make me do because he knows holding her against me will make me do anything he asks.

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