Part Three

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BREAKING NEWS: Another body was found last night on Manhattan Beach with another x carved into the victims skin and hair tied up into a ponytail, officers plead with the public to stay inside and don't walk alone at night.


Work today seemed nice and chilled after Harry left, besides Gen asking me 7000 questions and then telling me a good 5000 times that Harry, and I quote 'IS SO FUCKING HOT'.

I didn't really want him to leave, I would've loved for him to have stayed and talked for the rest of the day, which is odd for me since I never like to hang with people for a long amount of time, especially new people and most especially guys, Gen is really the only person I can stand to be around for that long.

I wonder what he does for work, I never thought to ask him this morning, he doesn't look like the 'do you need help packing your bags' type but he also doesn't look like a business, work behind a desk guy either, I'll have to ask him next time I see him.

It's kind of laughable thinking about this tall, intimidating guy could working in a little store helping pack bags.

It's nearly 10pm and I'm on my way to the bar again, I always look forward to the nights I get to perform there for people. I just hope that one day I can do this as a proper job and not just a on the side.

I've been saving money for years to try and afford to move away from Brooklyn to California to make my dream happen, its what I've wanted since a child to become a famous singer but, as of yet nothing has happened apart from my confidence growing to be able to finally sing in front of small crowds.

My mom always told me to dream big and do what makes me happy, I know that this is what she wants me to do.

I originally didn't want do this singing job for any money, but Amy insisted that she paid me, I enjoy it so much that the money doesn't even bother me but, I can't deny that the extra money coming in does help a lot when saving.

I am kind of hoping harry will show up tonight just so I can see him again, Gen said she would come tonight to see me perform my new song but, she I think the reason shes really coming is to see if Harry shows up so she can 'admire at him from far away' as she put it.

I really don't blame her though; I'll probably be stealing a few looks of him while I perform my set tonight if he does make an appearance, which I do have a gut feeling that he will.

I take the last drag of my cigarette and throw it on the ground making my way into the bar, the smell of beer and cheap men's cologne hitting my nostrils as I walk through the door.

My anxiety seems to be through the roof tonight, I don't know if its because of the new song I'm performing, which would be odd since I never get anxious performing new stuff anymore or it could be to do with if Harry shows up or not, I definitely should have had some of my special medicine while I was at home.

I look around the bar to spot Amy behind it and make a B-line for her, she seems me coming and greets me with a big grin "hey babe! You ok?" she says cleaning a glass, I nod in response "do you think I could have a shot, I don't know why I feel so anxious tonight" I bite down on inside of my lip, I need to learn to stop doing that as the back of my lips are in shreds.

She nods and grabs a shot glass form underneath the counter "vodka?" she asks holding up the bottle in her left hand, I nod aggressively just wanting to have the alcohol in my system so I can feel more at ease.

She pushes it towards, I take the shot glass and place it to my lips flipping my head back with it, I bring my head back down and wipe my lips with my sleeve "better?" she says with a worried expression on her face.

Brooklyn Baby - H.SWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt