Part Twenty Three

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I wake up to the bright aura of the sun beaming through the large glass window on the far side of Harry's room, I flutter my eyes open to see that I'm face forward into Harry's chest, I smile to myself thinking about last night and how I sang my song that I wrote for him.

When we got back here last night, there wasn't anything sexual that happened between us, which I definitely thought was going to occur, he just wanted to cuddle me all night and sleep with me pushes up against him so he could hold me, he can be all big, mighty, and scary but, he's just a big friendly giant.

You wouldn't think for a second this guy kills people for a living, he's the biggest softy when he's around me.

I look at his bare chest admiring his tattoos tracing one of the birds with my finger making him flinch slightly, I chuckle at his reaction and put my hand back against his chest and lay my head against it listening to his soft little breaths escaping his nose.

I feel his arms tighten around me and pull me closer to him, not knowing that I'm as close as I can possibly get to him, my heart flutters and smile to myself.

I let my eyes drift shut again while listening to the sweet sound of his heartbeat against his chest, I smile to myself letting the sound of his heart soothe me, for some reason listening to his heartbeat makes me feel warm and at peace.

As my eyes are closed shut I start to think of what happened the other day when we were here, Liam starting banging loudly on the door startling us both when we were both in a make out session.

I remember when he grabbed me out of the closet and how much it scared me in that moment, it feels like a lifetime ago and now I know so much about Harry and what he does, I know about what happened on Sea Gate and I know what they were talking about now.

I know Harry 'sorted' Liam out, but it doesn't stop my mind from thinking of the what if's, what if Liam does something to me next time knowing it'll get to Harry and what if he starts harassing me over text again.

My thoughts start to race slightly at the memory and maybe him coming back to bang on the door and maybe do worse this time, especially after threatening me over text to never see Harry again, that shit was fucking scary, especially since I didn't know who was messaging me in the first place, now I know it's Liam I know who I need to keep out the way of.

I do wonder why he was so obsessed with the fact that me and Harry, we're seeing each other, it's like he was jealous but surly he has no reason to be jealous of us? I mean at that point me and Harry hadn't gained intense feelings for each other like we do now, well I know I do anyway.

It also still throws me off how when Liam kept saying I would be safer with him over Harry, why would I be safer with Liam?

Questions flood my head, confused by the situation that occurred last time, I know everything now so really theirs no point of me getting worked up about this but, my anxiety chooses the worst times.

Suddenly I hear a grunt come from Harry and tightens his arms around me again, I open my eyes and look up at him, his brows are furrowed together and his eyes scrunched shut.

I place my hand on his cheek and lean up kissing him just under his chin where theirs a small white scar probably from when he was a child, he hums slightly and opens his mouth to talk "what's up?" he says with his eyes still closed.

"Nothing why?" I reply hesitantly, my anxiety battling in my brain right now, I know weed would help but I forgot to bring any with me not knowing I was going to stay here last night.

He opens one eye to look down at me and raises an eyebrow "Delia, don't lie to me" he says then opening his other eye, I look up to him with my mouth open slightly in shock that he knows something is wrong, this mother fucker is like a mind reader I don't even know.

I shake my head looking back down at his tattoos on his chest and messing with the chain around his neck "honestly, nothing is wrong" I say in a timid voice trying to hide the way my voice is quivering, he takes his thumb and places it under my chin making me look up at him.

He looks me in the eyes almost reading me "I know something is bothering you, tell me please" he says in a soft voice which makes me melt, my eyes soften, and I give him a small smile "I'm just thinking about the last time we we're laying like this in your bed and Liam came banging on the door, it's just making my anxiety play up is all" I say confessing.

He lets out a breath and kisses the centre of my forehead in reassurance "I promise you; Liam will not be bothering me or you anymore, I sorted him out" he says looking back down into my eyes his hand making its way to my cheek, his thumb caressing my cheek lightly too sooth me and calm me from my thoughts.

"What do you mean sorted him out?" I say with curiosity riding in my voice but also nervous that he means something I may not want to hear, he shakes his head and pulls me closer to him "I didn't kill him if that's what you're wondering, he just deserved a good beating up after grabbing you, I will never let him touch you like that ever again" he says rubbing my back.

I nod into his chest feeling his heartbeat against my cheek soothing me and calming me, he pulls back again and looks back down at me with a smile on his face.

He leans down grabbing my chin with his thumb and kisses my lips lightly, he never fails to impress me with how much every one of his kisses make me feel inside.

I always feel like I'm floating with him, it doesn't fail to make me feel like we're the only people alive in this universe and I think he knows that's exactly how I feel.

I lean up more so I can have more access to his lips and lock my arms firmly around his neck as he kisses me harder, his hand slivers down to my waist and pulls me closer to him.

I giggle into his lips slightly the anxiety fading away as he keeps his lips firmly on my own, maybe with Harry around I don't need my special medicine, maybe Harry is my medicine.

His hand moves around to my ass and grabs a hold squeezing slightly, I let a moan escape my mouth as I feel my nipples start to become erect by the effect, he's having on me.

I push Harry back down on the bed and get on top of him my hand wondering to the sides of his neck and Harry's still firmly on my ass squeezing ever so often.

Before I know it his hands are wandering up my shirt and rubbing up and down my back, his ringless fingers rubbing against my bare skin sending shivers down my spine.

He bites down on my lip letting a moan erupt from my lips, Harry smirks into the kiss taking his hand and smacking my ass, I wince slightly at the force but continue kissing him enjoying the sharp pain knowing there will be a mark.

I start to feel the hardness of his cock underneath me and rubbing against me slightly and lean my head back from the kiss watching his eye wonder what I'm doing, I start to rub myself onto him making his jolt up slightly "hell no, you aren't making me cum like this again" he hisses and pushes me off him so I'm not underneath him.

I become breathless watching him on top of me "open those pretty legs for me" he signals for me to listen, I obey and open my legs for him, I'm only wearing a baggy shirt and bed shorts right now so I know he can do a lot of damage to me.

His hand slivers around my neck and watches my eye intensely, his once bright green eyes turning dark watching me struggle underneath him, he smirks looking down at my lips and back up to my eyes.

"My sweet Brooklyn Baby, lets have some fun"


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