Part Thirty Five

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I convinced myself to go to the diner to go talk to Gen, I haven't seen her in what feels like forever, it went from seeing her every other day to seeing her maybe once a week which makes me feel awful.

I don't know why I've been putting it off so much, I guess I was just scared she was so how mad at me for not being around as much.

After the last day and a half I feel like I need to go see my best friend for comfort, no offence to Harry but I can't talk to him about everything, I need a girl to talk to.

She's really the only family I have, and I don't want her feeling like I've ditched her for Harry when that's far from the reason I haven't spoken to or seen her.

I know she'll be understanding no matter what but if she turns around and tells me to fuck off, I will completely understand, I kind of deserve it.

At the end of the day, I'm trying to protect her from this life at all costs, if she finds out she'll have no choice but to be killed if James finds out because knowing Gen, she wouldn't want this life for herself.

Gen comes from a very proper background, born into the riches and had everything handed to her from a young age, at times she can still be a little snobby with how she can talk about people and how she can come across but that's just how she's been brought up.

The only reason she got the job at the diner was because her parents kicked her out for drugs and alcohol use, her parents are very much against that stuff and Gen pushed them to their limits which pushed them to kick her out their house.

Which is fucked up, I don't really understand what their big deal with it was, I mean to kick your only daughter out for it just seems extreme to me, Gen told me her older brother was always their pride and joy though, they only started noticing her when she was getting in trouble with the cops for drug abuse, which horrified them because they didn't want that image on their family.

They both sound like absolute dicks, even though Gen had money and everything she asked for, all she really wanted was for her parents to just notice her for once.

She still doesn't talk to them to this day and to be honest I don't blame her, she now lives with her auntie and uncle who are a lot chiller then her parents, you would honestly think that they are her actual parents, I've them a good few times and they are the nicest and most down to earth people I think I've ever met.

Harry left my apartment half an hour ago as I reassured him at least 30 times before he left that I would be fine and that he can go home, shower, get into different clothes and to just chill.

I know its not because he doesn't trust me, because I know he trusts me it's because of what happened last night, which is completely understandable, going to see Gen will take my mind off of everything though and it's what I need.

I'm also going to the bar to perform tonight which I told Harry I would do after messaging Amy, I feel sorry for Amy I've not been contacting her at all since everything that's been happening, she's been messaging me and calling me at least a couple times a week just to check in, but I haven't responded.

I messaged her just before leaving the apartment letting her know I would be in tonight and apologised for being MIA for the past couple weeks as my life's been pretty hectic, 'pretty hectic' is the only way I could begin to describe my life change.

She completely understood and said she was excited to see me again which made my day to say the least.

I grab my cigarette packet from my back pocket and slip one of the sticks out sliding the pack straight back into my pocket, I put the cigarette between my lips and cup my hand around the flame so it would catch on, I suck in the toxins into my lungs lighting it up and letting it hover in my lungs for a few seconds before blowing out the smoke.

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