Part Seven

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The green eyes
You're the one that I wanted to find
And anyone who tried to deny you must be out of their minds


I open my eyes and all I can feel is the pounding in my head from the night before but, I have no acknowledgement of what happened last night, I'm still in all the clothes that I had on at the bar except for my jacket which is thrown across the room.

I roll over and sit up on the edge of my bed, a sharp pain spreads in my head, I grab onto my forehead closing my eyes shut to somehow try and soothe the pain, this is why I never drink it makes me wonder how my dad did this every day, but then again he never stopped.

I stand myself off my bed and grab my jumper from my bedroom floor trying not to fall face forward in the process, I stand up slowly and slip the oversized material over my head and make my way out of my room to get some medicine for my head, which is now pounding like some motherfucker is playing the drums in there.

I walk into my living room holding onto my head and nearly have a fucking heart attack when I see Harry sprawled out across my sofa, one leg over the back of the sofa and one stretched along it with his foot dangling off the edge.

I look at him a for a few seconds before continuing towards my kitchen.

What the fuck? And why the fuck is he here? I can't even remember seeing him last night, it was the reason I got drunk in the first place.

I get to the kitchen finally which felt like the longest walk of my life and grab a glass from the cabinet, running the water for a few seconds so its extra cold and getting some medicine out my cupboard to hopefully make me feel better.

I pop out two pills and throw them back into my mouth gulping on the water to help them go down, I cant take pills to save my life fuck knows how I haven't got used to it having to take my anti-depressants and anxiety medication every day.

But I do have special medication for that which helps a lot more then a little pill.

"Good morning" a groggy voice says from the entrance of the kitchen, I jump and hold my hand on my heart feeling my heartrate going 10 miles to the dozen now.

"You scared me" I say scowling at him taking a few sips from my glass, he shakes his head and smiles at me "well I didn't mean to, besides, you knew I was here right?" he leans against the counter beside me, I nod up to him.

"I'm still pissed at you" I say quietly leaning against the counter beside him crossing one arms over my chest, he shakes his head looking down at the floor chuckling "I know, I'll make it up to you today I promise" I nod shyly and walking back out into the living room with Harry following closely behind.

I look around now feeling embarrassed about the state of my apartment, it's not like I leave it a mess I do clean, its just the walls and the celling look horrendous with all the water damage from over the years.

"I, um- I'm sorry about this" I say pointing my arm out to show the walls and celling above us, he looks around not seeming very bothered about any of it.

"It's just really fucking expensive to fix and I don't earn that much money and well I've lived here my whole life an-".

"Hey, I don't care, I know its not your fault its got like this" he says cutting me off in mid rant, I nod at him and give him a small smile, then making my way back into my room to grab my 'special medicine'.

I grab what I need Harry still behind me as I'm doing this and walk up to my window which leads to a mini balcony, its not much its really only meant for plants and like decorations or some shit but, its where I go to smoke so it doesn't stink out my apartment.

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