Part Thirty Nine

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After the party last night, we finally made it home after what felt like hours of walking, we didn't fancy getting an uber thinking it would be romantic if we walked, which ended up with me on Harry's back most the walk home.

I don't think we got home until around 3am which was late for me, I'm usually passed out by midnight at the latest.

We didn't get much sleep either because James rang Harry this morning asking us both to come into the base because there was something he needed to talk to us about.

I'm not really sure what that will be, and it makes me nervous, I feel in my gut it's something bad, I mean if it was just a task, he would text us the details and that would be that Harry told me he usually doesn't get us in unless it's serious or money related.

So, I'm kind of hoping it's money related, these situations always put me on edge, and I never know how to deal with it, I never got in trouble in school and when I did, I would shit myself that they would call my dad.

I also keep thinking about last night, it was truly just such a good night, one of the best I've had in a while, and I was surrounded by everyone that I care about.

I still can't believe Gen walked in on me and Harry though, she seemed more in shock then me and Harry, I was being so casual talking to her whole jacking Harry off.

I'm sure the conversation of her seeing me with Harry's dick in my mouth is going to come up often from now on, but at least now I know we're closer than ever.

Also, the fact Niall asked Gen to be his girlfriend, it melts my heart, I'm just glad that she's happy that's all I want for her more than anything is for her to be happy.

Still doesn't make up for the fact that Niall is ignoring me and looking at me with an almost scared expression every time I see him now, the same with Harry, I knew if I hadn't touched Harry last night, he would of thrown himself at Niall.

I don't know if he would have gone as far of to kill Niall as such, but he would have done some damage, I haven't seen Harry in full anger mode yet and I can only imagine he can be very scary, he seems like the type to just blow up, kind of like a ticking time bomb.

I guess in that respect he's in the right job, but I'm sure James uses that to his advantage, it makes me wonder how many people Harry has killed for him and for what stupid reasons.

James just seems to like killing people for no reason really, like Ava, I really do not think she deserved to die but at the end of the day it was me or her.

If James saw I wasn't up for the job he would of killed me himself, which I didn't want.

We pull up to the base and I look over at Harry who unbuckles his seat belt before making eye contact with me, his once hard eyes turning soft as they meet mine

"I wonder what he wants" I finally speak up, we've kind of sat in silence the whole ride, not like the bad time it's been comfortable I've just been too busy in my own head to even realise Harry was in the car at one point.

Harry shrugs looking forward "I don't know, but theirs another car here and I don't recognise it" he says with his eyebrows drawn together, I look over to where he's looking and see a black range rover, the same make as Harry's I pout out my lips not recognising it myself.

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