Part Thirty Seven

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I will signal when to play the song above :)

Cordelias pov:

Even though I hate parties I'm really excited about tonight's, I just had so much fun with everyone last night I can't wait to see them again and have another fun night, I don't think I've ever gone out this much in my life with a decent sized friend group, it's always just been me and Gen.

Harry also agreed to come which took a bit of persuading to begin with, but he soon came around, I promised plenty of dick sucking would happen if he came with me, which after I mentioned that part, he was eager.

He feels just as off about the whole Niall situation, as do I, which is why he didn't really want to come in the first place, Niall hardly spoke to any of us last night and only spoke to us if he really had to, Gen was also very intoxicated, so she didn't have a clue what was happening.

Gen insisted I came around to her house again before going to the party so we could get ready together, I let her dress me up again loving the effect it had on Harry, which to Gen this information doesn't need to leave my mouth, she was just excited I wanted her to dress me up again because I've never let her before unless she forces me.

I dragged Harry with me of course, he's currently sat downstairs with Louis and Niall, Zayn said he would meet us at the party so he's not here, Gen is getting me completely changed right now making sure and I quote from her mouth 'you make Harry cum in his pants' which I can't deny is the goal for tonight.

She's got me dressed up in a black, leather, mini skirt with a small slit at the side, a black lace body suit and a small suit jacket which is super cute and obviously fishnets for Harry.

I had to tell Gen the reason why I wanted to wear them so bad, and she nearly lost her shit when I told her what happened the first time me and Harry has sex, it feels like a lifetime ago now

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I had to tell Gen the reason why I wanted to wear them so bad, and she nearly lost her shit when I told her what happened the first time me and Harry has sex, it feels like a lifetime ago now.

The fishnets defiantly did the trick for him that day and drove him over the edge, I know they did last night also with what happened when we got back to his apartment.

"Are you going to be a good girl for Daddy tonight princess?" he squeezes my cheeks together looking into my eyes with his dark ones, full of lust and need for me.

I nod drowning in his eyes not saying a word, he removes his hand from my face and slaps my cheek before squeezing them tightly together again "speak up" he spits through gritted teeth.

"Ye-yes Daddy, a good little whore for you" I say rolling my eyes back at the feel of the sting on my cheek, my cunt dripping wet from how turned on I am right now.

He chuckles softly "now on your knees before I make you slut" he says letting go of my face, automatically dropping to my knees needing him in my mouth, I lick my lips unbuckling his belt quickly.

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