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William's pov.

When I finally showed up after disappearing without any contact, my folks gave me an earful. Specially my father and my personal bodyguards.
First I sat down to have a talk with my father.
Of course, it was regarding that matter.
I told him about it. My father looked mad but he didn't comment much.
I told him of the thing I was going to do.

"It's your decision. Do whatever you want. And remember, we will be on your side this time." That was all he said to me.

I immediately excused myself and left.

My heart was beating so fast. The last time I was this nervous was when I killed a guy for the first time. To think that my own wife would make me feel this feeling again....I snickered at myself.

I have made up my mind.

It took me a fifteen minute ride to reach "my" home.

When I was outside the door, I noticed that the door was open. I walked in. As soon as I looked around I saw traces of things that didn't belonged to this house.
My heartbeat turned cold.

" me more!"

"Babe....I am so close.... Can I cum inside?"

Moans of love making leaked from a certain bedroom. The bed, where I used to lie down with my wife. I stood by the side of the door without making any sound, as I saw my wife having raw sex with my best friend.
They were going wild at it.

My gaze became chilling at the sight before me. I braced myself as I banged the door wide open.

"Will....." Rio turned pale with shock as he pulled out from that messy hole. He then looked at me with fear in his eyes before averting them. Shame was written all over his face.

"Willie!!!" Suzy yelped, pulling the blanket to cover up her body.

I took two steps bracing my body for the strike.


Rio's entire body crushed against the wall when I punched him with all my might.

"RIO!" Suzy screamed. She then rushed over him to make sure he didn't die.

"Cough" A mouthful of blood spat out of his lips.

I gazed down at them with filthy coldness. "Don't worry. I made it sure so that he lives through today."

Suzy looked back at me when I spoke. She yelled at me in a loud voice. "Why did you do that? He is your best friend." She came running towards me frantically, with her hand slamming towards my face.


I smacked away her hand. Because of the force I had used in doing so, Suzy tumbled down on the floor. The blanket covering her body filled with love bites and cumshot was out on display.

"You!!" She screamed at me. But when she saw the expression on my face it made her shut up.

"Don't test me right now Suzy! Or else it will end badly for you."

Suzy was glaring at me but she didn't refute. Standing up she looked at me with disbelief in her eyes.

"Who are you?" She murmured.

"You are not the man I married!" She screamed at me. "I can't....I no longer see the man I married in you!"

Her tantrum made me laugh at her. I took out my phone and called the ambulance. I also, no longer, see the woman I fell in love with, in her anymore. Infact, I doubt If she was ever there.
"Hello. Someone is badly injured in xxx building. Please send an ambulance as quickly as possible. The patient is bleeding from his head."
After I cut the call I glanced back at my 'ex' wife and her 'bf.'

"We are getting divorced. Sign the papers when I send them over."

Both the cheater and the cheater's cheating partner looked at me. Their eyes were electrified by the words I had spoken.

"Willie....." Suzy was beginning to cry frantically as she tried to come towards me.

"Don't!" I warned her. "If you come close I will punch you on your face."

She flinched. Then she stopped. "NO!" She shouted loudly. 

"I have all the evidences that I need. You will have to sign the papers miss Suzy." I snorted at her. As I turned around to leave I didn't forget to greet Rio too. "Hope both of you have a great time together."

As soon as I got into my car, my shoulders collapsed onto the steering wheel.




"THAT FELT SCARILY SO GOOD!" Letting it out made me feel a bit comforted.

With a cigarette on my lips I drove my way out, thinking of certain things.

Suzy, was the only woman I have ever loved.

I wonder if I will be able to heal from this.....

"Of course it will be hard. It will take time but eventually you will move on. Let time do its magic."

Suddenly that young man's words echoed in my mind.

I smiled remembering his words.

For now, I shall leave it to that magic.

Then one day I shall visit that young man and thank him.

For helping me.

I AM THE SECOND MALE LEAD. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora