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Just as I was having the prime time of my life kissing my Zeke, I suddenly felt a fist crushing on my face.


My entire body fell to the side.

Fuck! That hurt.

"Who the fuck!" I yelled gathering my body up.


My face fell down against the ground with another impactful punch.

"What th.." I wasn't even given a moment to breathe when I felt my head being repeatedly shoved against the ground.

Blood. I saw blood before I fainted out in the cold.


Just a few minutes ago I received a strange text from Zeke.


I don't know if it was a typo or not. So I messaged him back but didn't get a reply.

So I thought he had made a mistake. Just as I was about to call him a New message popped up.

"heyy....sorry. i sent that by mistake."

It read.

With a cute exclaiming emoji.

I stared at the emoji feeling strange. Scrolling up the old messages I realised that something was off.

"Chad!" I called as I walked out of my office.

"Yes boss?" Chad was already by my side.

"Drive me somewhere."

When I was in the car I stared at Zeke's old message. And the one that I received just now. The pattern was different.
Any normal person would probably shrug it off without much thought. But for people like us, this was definitely a suspicious case.

The reason became clear when I reached Zeke's house.
The lights of his house was turned off. His car was missing.
There was another car in the neighbouring house.

The man from the driver's seat got out. He then proceeded to open the door of the back seat.

My eye sight was sharp.

So I didn't miss it.

The driver yanked out a person with force. It was a short young man. His body swayed along with the taller man's movements.

That guy....

I squinted my face. It was Zeke.

"Chad. You stay here." I said as I got out keeping my eyes pried on Zeke.

Suddenly, the taller man pressed his face against Zeke. Even from this distance I could see the struggling body.

My blood began to boil hot.

"That bastard!" I cussed under my breath as I made a run for it.

The man was strangling Zeke.

So I didn't hold back.

I clenched my hand into a big fist. Chanelling all of my muscle power into my punch I hit the man hard.
He flew down crashing down on the ground.
I didn't give him a chance to get up.
Grabbing him by his head I hit him hard against the ground.

Shoving it down again and again.

Even when he had stopped struggling, even when he started bleeding I didn't stop.


That low moan brought me back to senses.

I shoved the man onto the ground one last time before letting him go. His body drooped without resistance.

"Are you okay?" I helped Zeke try and stand up. But his body held no strength.
His loose grip fell on my sleeves.
His eyes were soaked with tears.

"Th...ank you...." His lips quivered as he fell into my embrace.

I flinched. His body felt so hot. Carefully I carried him in my arms. His hazy breathe fell against my chest. And I could still hear him mumble the same word over and over again.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for saving me.

That was all he kept whispering in a low voice.

"Chad. Take care of that man." I gave my man the order.

The nerve of this person to harm my saviour. He was going to get special treatment from me and my people.

I kept my anger in control.

There was something wrong with Zeke. He was unconscious right now. But he kept moaning a bit here and there.
When I touched his cheek he let out a low groan.

" touch...m..e.... Don.t..."

I retreated my hand at once. Even though that wasn't directed at me.

His body heat was abnormal. His cheeks were red. And his thing was up.

This only meant that he was drugged.

I called my personal doc.

"Hey come over. Right now." I told Richard. "It's urgent."

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