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Before I became Zeke,

I was called

Alex, Ahan, Malik, Chess, Tama, Yousuke, Joseph, Chila, Mike, Gradon, Brad, Yun Sheng, Ah Yuan, Zu Ying, Sun woo, Hawang yoo,Ophil, Derek,Derzela , Zaroura, and the list goes on. If I were to mention every single indentity I had all this time then perhaps I might have more than thousands of names and even hold the world record for being the person with the longest name ever to exist. Not that I would try that. Because all these names are just the past me.

The past me was just a pathetic guy who wanted to earn the love of all my love interests. I was so blinded by my desire to be loved that I became a meat shield for my love interest, played the villain to get my love interest together with the man they loved, and I even got myself kidnapped and assaulted for them. There were times when I felt rewarded when I saw my love interests get their own happy ending with their man as they grew old together but sometimes......, Specially when my rival was a man with extreme exotic looks and rough personality who didn't knew anything but to force themselves on my love interests, and was so fucking hot, rich, manipulative, toxic and good in bed that it neutralizes all his bad traits, making him the winner every fucking single time, whenever this happens it makes my blood boil angry with rage and the urge to win against him just rages throughout my body.

Though I obviously lost every fucking single time.

Being the second male lead is such a losser. I  got the sympathy but I never won. Not even once.

So I complained to my system agent.

Then I was rebuked so harshly. By someone who I considered as a close friend.

"You are too kind for your own good."

That was when I realised that kindness was not always rewarded.

"People like to be controlled these days. They like it when you are more possessive and manipulative of them."
My system agent said.

"You are not rough enough in bed. Be rougher."

"Become a bad boy. Force yourself onto them. Stalk them. Beat down every person who approached them. Assault them. Problem solved."

"Stop being such a puppy."

"As long as the sex is good, you will be choosen."

"As long as you are hot, sexy, desirable, good at banging and have a tragic past, play the victim card. You will be forgiven or at worst be given a second chance."

Under my agent's pressure I followed the advice she gave me. And did everything accordingly.
But when the time to do the real deed came, I would always question myself asking, "This is not how I do things! No! This is not me!"

Getting the person I love drunk on purpose and get onto the bed with them, without their consent....or not respecting their choices or forcing them to be with me....those are not the way I do things.

In the crucial time before I was about to make a grave mistake of forcing myself onto my love interests, I realised that I will never be able to do the things those bastard male leads did.

"This is why you never win against the male lead. You are a pathetic second male lead!" My agent rebuked me for being weak.

But I knew myself well at that point. That, my choice to not rape someone was right. And that's where I hit my bottom rock. Rape will never be romantic love in my eyes.

"Fuck I quit. You are a trash system. I hope you die a terrible death!"

I quit my job as the second male lead and with the points I had earned as a substitute agent for my position as the second male lead, I settled down in a modern world that was a replica of the infamous planet called Earth.

This is how I became Zeke.

And I am no longer a second male lead.

I AM THE SECOND MALE LEAD. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن