Chapter 86: Equal Punishment and Reward

Start from the beginning

"You're not allowed to cry out."

Yue Zhishi heard Song Yu's stern command and could feel his palm rubbing against his supple cheeks. His voice sounded closer — Yue Zhishi thought Song Yu might've bent over and leaned over to his ear. In the vast expanse of darkness, a damp, hot breath puffed against the side of his face.

"If I hear anything, I'm going to smack you harder."

Yue Zhishi let out a muffled noise very quietly. Sensing Song Yu very close by, he turned his head, wanting to kiss him, but Song Yu caught his chin.

"Baobao." Song Yu's voice was very low, and was both cold and alluring. "You're really not being a good boy."

Another smack landed on his ass once again, just as Yue Zhishi was completely unprepared.

"Mm..." Song Yu let go of his chin, but Yue Zhishi's arms were pulled back to cross behind his back, Song Yu holding down his wrists.

Without conscious thought, Yue Zhishi started to plea for mercy; he was soft and pale, like a water snake too slippery to hold. "Gege, don't hit me anymore, I'm a good boy."

"Are you?" Song Yu's hand brushed across Yue Zhishi's raised shoulder-blades and moved downwards, slowly gliding over his ribs. People always said flesh caused lust, but he felt even Yue Zhishi's bones were seductive.

"I make sure you eat well every day. But where's all your flesh gone?"

He was doing the most carnal movements, yet his words were like a parent's questioning. Yue Zhishi's shame increased, unable to say anything resembling a complete sentence. "I..."

Song Yu's hand lightly patted Yue Zhishi's reddening asscheeks, and they jiggled and swayed like soft pudding.

"Your flesh ended up all here." His hand grabbed tightly onto Yue Zhishi's ass and fiercely squeezed it, kneading it until Yue Zhishi made a noise from the pleasure.

"Did you do that on purpose? Hm?"

"No." Yue Zhishi found the room too warm, and he felt wronged; Song Yu's words made no sense at all. "I... I... Why would everything go there?"

He felt Song Yu pull on his small and thin underwear and tug it to the left and to the right, using it to lightly rub against the thin seam between his two plump cheeks. Sensation was incredibly magnified in the dark, and he could almost feel the cotton material wrapped around his cock — it was slowly dampening, coldly and stickily attaching itself to his skin.

Yet another slap came down. Yue Zhishi's entire body was trembling, everything shivering; the pleasure forced out from the cracks in his bones pushed away those tiny shreds of pain.

"So it'd be great to fuck," Song Yu said, using a deep voice to say obscene words.

This body was outrageous and erotic — it had only been spanked, and yet fluid was already seeping out of his cock. With his hands held behind his back, Yue Zhishi squirmed impatiently on Song Yu's legs; he looked like he was struggling, but the nipples on his chest had hardened long ago from rubbing against Song Yu's legs, separated by the sweater.

"Yue Zhishi, you're wet." Song Yu mercilessly lay bare his arousal. "And hard."

Yue Zhishi felt like Song Yu was having sex with him just by speaking; he could reach his peak just by listening to Song Yu's voice. His body had softened, had weakened from the spanking until he was an utter mess, and unable to hold back, he begged Song Yu and said he really liked him — all different kinds of sweet honeyed words were gasped from that pink mouth. Even that faintly visible tip of his tongue was seducing him.

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