Chapter 34: Graduation Memento

Start from the beginning

He first pulled out a small purple bento box and put it directly onto Song Yu's leg after he turned back around. He very quickly flipped back to his bag and grabbed a bottle of soda water, giving this also to Song Yu.

He never stopped moving and kept silent the entire time, as if he was a very busy mime actor. Song Yu opened the bento box — pieces of mango and strawberry and peeled grapes and lychees rested inside with some sparkling sugar syrup drizzled on top. It all looked very delicious.

Yue Zhishi turned back to him and handed him a fork. Very loud music came from his headphones, and he looked like he'd forgotten other people could hear him speak. He pantomimed cutting the pieces of fruit, and then finally pointed at himself.

As they waited for the red light to turn green, Lin Rong happened to see them eating the fruit. "Le Le prepared that. Look at how attentive he was, he even removed the grape seeds."

Song Yu ate a grape — it was very sweet. Yue Zhishi also held onto another small fork, piercing a piece of mango and stuffing it into his mouth. He then speared a piece of lychee, leaned forward and sent it to Lin Rong's mouth.

The three of them shared the little box of fruit, with Yue Zhishi eating the most to the point he started to worry about his appetite when they finally sat down in the restaurant. Song Jin arrived as the first courses of entrees were being served, his button up shirt slightly damp and him looking like he'd rushed over. Lin Rong kindly took out a silk handkerchief from her bag for him to use.

When the crayfish arrived, Yue Zhishi abruptly remembered — they had also eaten crayfish when gege finished his high school exams. He felt something like a sense of ritual, and this made him feel slightly better.

He was looking forward to Song Yu peeling the crayfish for him like he did three years ago, but because the motherly figure of Lin Rong was there, there was no problem at all with Yue Zhishi's supply of crayfish meat. It didn't need to wait for Song Yu's peeled crayfish.

Everyone wasn't too worried about Song Yu's grades. They enthusiastically planned their upcoming family holiday after Yue Zhishi's high school exams, with Song Jin suggesting a trip to Europe while Lin Rong preferred Egypt. The two of them listed out the advantages for their respective choices for Song Yu to decide, but he said he wanted to go to Japan.

Yue Zhishi stuffed a grape tomato into his mouth, the juice exploding in his mouth after he bit into it. His entire being felt like that after hearing Song Yu's suggestion.

He repeatedly nodded, swallowing the tomato. "I want to go to Japan too. I want to go to Akihabara."

What cultural heritage, what beautiful scenery — they all failed in the face of the Song family's two youngest members' wishes. Having decided on the location, Song Jin called his assistant to book travel tickets and hotel reservations. The entire family hotly discussed the upcoming itinerary, and only Song Yu, who'd proposed the country, kept silent.

They didn't stay outside too long after finishing their food, since Yue Zhishi still needed to continue his studies. After returning home, Yue Zhishi reviewed his wrong answers until midnight. He was slightly dozing off when his phone vibrated twice, startling him awake, and he glanced at it to see a message from Jiang Yufan asking him how to do a particular question.

Yue Zhishi had coincidentally just reviewed a similar question, so he very quickly flipped to the wrong question and took a photo of it before sending it across.

The group chat for their class was always very lively. Yue Zhishi had never participated in it, but he pressed it open as he left his chat with Jiang Yufan. He scrolled through the chat history and realised everyone was kicking up a fuss — a girl from class 7 had gifted her name badge to a boy in their class. Someone had seen it and started joking about it in the group chat, saying that boy was no longer single.

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