Chapter 19: Sugar Roasted Chestnuts

Start from the beginning

Song Yu said, still patting him, "Don't you have a picture on your bedside table?"

"Pictures can't move. It's not the same as the actual people." Yue Zhishi then asked, "Have you met them before?"

"Yes." Song Yu thought about their names. His first memory of them was when they got married on a beach with a small arch woven with flowers. There weren't many guests, and he was one of the page boys. He shouldn't have been able to remember that moment in time, but it unexpectedly left him with a strong impression.

It was his first experience of a beautiful and happy marriage.

But most beautiful things shatter too easily.

"They were very good people." Song Yu kept patting Yue Zhishi's thin back. "Your mother was very pretty, and her pasta was very delicious. Her voice was very gentle, and she knew to speak a little bit of Chinese. Your father had a very interesting sense of humour. The birthday present he gave me was the most unusual one I've ever received."

Yue Zhishi shifted against his shoulder, his words fuzzy and sounding as if he was falling asleep. "What present?"

"A map he drew himself, with marks on places he's visited before," Song Yu said. "He told me I needed to explore the world."

He also told him that they could later go together to the places he marked.

"He didn't give me one." Yue Zhishi's arms slightly tightened around him.

Song Yu thought he'd probably wanted to wait until he accomplished something new or reached a new peak in his career before drawing one for him — but Song Yu couldn't say his thoughts out loud. Little by little, Yue Zhishi fell asleep as Song Yu continued lightly his patting. Song Yu tried loosening his arms, but it was almost like Yue Zhishi could feel it in his sleep and snuggled in closer to make up for any open distance.

Even at Yue Zhishi's current age, soothing him to sleep still took enormous amounts of effort.

Yue Zhishi slept deeply, and he was alone by himself in the bed when his alarm rang. The afternoon lunch break was very short. Only ten or so minutes had passed when he checked his watch, but he felt completely recharged and full of energy. He stayed under Song Yu's blanket in a daze for a little while before he rolled and bundled himself inside the entire blanket. He rolled again and unwrapped himself.

So comfortable.

There were two knocks on the door. Yue Zhishi lifted his head and saw Song Yu standing at the door, wearing a new set of his uniform and his two hands neatly tying his school tie. "Let's go."

"Okay, I'll be quick."

Standing at the entrance to the house, Yue Zhishi specifically checked his appearance in the mirror. His eye may be swollen, but luckily he had large eyes. He would be too ugly otherwise. His mouth looked slightly better than before, and Yue Zhishi lightly licked the corner.

Such bitter-tasting ointment.

Song Yu took him to school on his bike. The smell of roasted chestnuts reached him from far away, and as they waited at a red light, Yue Zhishi jumped off and bought a big bag to enjoy as he sat on the rear seat of Song Yu's bike. Song Yu parked his bike once they reached the school entrance, and he turned his head to see Qin Yan parking his bike as well, a devious, sneaky smile on his face. Qin Yan shook his head speechlessly, as if he'd caught Song Yu in the middle of something good.

"You little bastard stood me up again for your little brother."

"Shut up." Song Yu turned around and got ready to leave, forgetting Yue Zhishi was next to him. He accidentally knocked into him and ended up pushing Yue Zhishi back half a step, the bag of roasted chestnuts in his hand almost falling onto the floor before Yue Zhishi tightly caught it.

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