Chapter 18: Relying on Each Other for Sleep

Start from the beginning

"They're ready," Yue Zhishi said, lifting away the hand mixer. The 'clouds' formed little peaks as the whisks were pulled out. The peaks were signs of success, and Yue Zhishi was rather satisfied. "Perfect."

After he plated up the maocai, Song Yu started making pancakes. "There's not enough time for a cake, this will be faster."

"A pancake is still a cake," Yue Zhishi said while he nodded, emphasising the English words.

Time passed, and the kitchen island soon carried two bowls of rice, a small pot of steaming maocai and a blueberry pancake, two different styles of food combining together. Fatty beef slices were stewed until they melted in the mouth, and when covered by some bright red chilli oil, just the look of them could stir the appetite. Song Yu took out a small glass jar and drizzled some golden osmanthus syrup over the pancake and then pushed it to Yue Zhishi.

Yue Zhishi picked up a piece of fish and carefully put it into his mouth. He was very cautious when chewing, and his stiff movements were slightly amusing.

The maocai was full of flavour, numb and spicy at the same time. Yue Zhishi started sweating after eating some of it and stuffed a piece of the syrup covered pancake into his mouth to help cool down the burn. It was soft and spongy like a thick piece of chiffon cake, the flavour warm and smooth.

His uneasy feelings from the morning slowly dissipated in the midst of red chilli oil and honey.

Everything can be fixed by some delicious food.

Song Yu ate in silence until he suddenly left his seat and returned with a bag filled with ice. "Put this on your eye."

He finally mentioned it. Yue Zhishi took the ice bag and mumbled his thanks, elbow resting against the table as he placed the ice against his eye. He held it for a little bit before he couldn't help but raise his head. "Is it really ugly?"

Song Yu focused on eating. "You know the answer to that."

He clearly didn't care about the issue of his ruined face in front of other people, but Yue Zhishi was very afraid of Song Yu seeing his swollen eye, to the point he disdained himself. He didn't understand where this difference came from. Sighing, Yue Zhishi said remorsefully, very seriously, "I should've dodged that punch."

Song Yu put down his bowl. "Yue Zhishi, shouldn't you be regretting the fight instead?"

"I don't regret it." Yue Zhishi looked at him. "I didn't do anything wrong."

Yue Zhishi's reply somewhat distracted Song Yu. It was like seeing himself when he was younger, so stubborn he refused to admit his mistake despite being beaten until blood streamed down his head.

But Yue Zhishi didn't want Song Yu to misunderstand him — he actively relaxed the initially obstinate attitude he held in front of the class adviser and started to explain himself. "Gege, I didn't mean to cause trouble. I actually didn't plan on fighting in the beginning, it's just that..."

Without waiting for him to finish, Song Yu interrupted, "I know."

"The person you hit," Song Yu said, gazing at Yue Zhishi's eyes as if he already knew the answer. "What did he say?"

Yue Zhishi abruptly stiffened, his hand tightening on the ice bag. His head drooped down as well, almost like a plant wilting in strong sunshine.

"He said... it's because my mom's dead that I'm poking my nose in other people's business."

When Wang Qian asked, he wasn't willing to answer. When Jiang Yufan asked, he didn't want to answer. Even if Lin Rong or Song Jin had immediately been called, Yue Zhishi could also stop a single word from passing his lips. But for some reason, once Song Yu asked, he answered.

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