13.Whose Fault?

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But with every passing minute, the discomfort worsened. Nausea gnawed at me, threatening to make me vomit. Unable to hold it any longer, I stumbled into the bathroom with my wobbly legs and vomited. The cool tiles felt soothing against my hot skin, but I was too exhausted to care about hygiene, with vomit sticking to my hair.

"Fuck!" I heard hurried footsteps approaching. He held my hair back and ran soothing circles on my back.

"I shouldn't have left you alone for so long. It's more intense now." He spoke, but my mouth was too preoccupied to ask him what he meant.

After I was done, he offered me water to rinse my mouth. Carrying me back to the bedroom, I found his touch oddly soothing.

He gently laid me down on the bed and tried to leave, but I whimpered at the loss of contact. He stroked his finger on my cheeks. "I know, amina... I know." His touch was comforting, taking away some of the pain.

"What is wrong with me?" I whispered, seeking some answers.

"Nothing is wrong with you," he assured, kissing my forehead. Surprisingly, I didn't flinch at his touch, even after the events of last night.

My mind was foggy, and I couldn't think clearly.

As sleep finally began to take over in his presence, I heard him say, "Your heat became more intense after the second marking. Sleep, amina. You'll be fine soon."





My body felt stiff from lying in one position for too long. Pressed against his warm chest, I slowly opened my eyes to find the room bathed in bright afternoon light. I tried to move slightly, but he groaned in his sleep and held me tightly around my waist.

Leaning my head back, I gazed at his sleeping face. His thick eyebrows and long eyelashes were even more striking than mine. A scruffy beard covered his rugged jawline. His black hair cascaded across the pillow, some strands falling over his face. I gently brushed them away with my fingers, and he purred in his sleep.

He was like a masterpiece, captivating in every way.

But as I looked at him, the truth hit me like a tidal wave—he was not the person I once believed him to be.

Ansel? Zev? Who was he? What was he? I needed answers.

My mind was filled with questions and yet devoid of answers.

As the fog in my mind cleared and I became more aware, I began to reflect on what happened four days ago—what transpired over the past three weeks. I hadn't had the chance to process everything that had happened.

It felt like an eternity, each day dragging on endlessly.


His words resounded in my head, "You are mine for eternity and no one can change that fact. Not even you." I closed my eyes, trying to push the memories of that night away.

How did I find myself in this situation? Where did it all go wrong? Where did it all start?

My thoughts started to drift toward my parents, and my heart ached just thinking about them. But I couldn't break down now. I needed to focus on the problem right beside me.

I'll set aside my worries about Mom and Dad for later—I just can't deal with it all now.

Back to the matter at hand—werewolves!

It all started with the mark on my neck.

The beast claimed me— that's what the people at the hospital were talking about, that's what I overheard Ashley and Galina discussing.

For Me,There Is Only You |18+|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz