Continuing the training

Start from the beginning

Alex wanted to focus on his creation of the blades for the fights ahead without feeling the shock of his body. As he stepped in the chamber, he saw the simulation appear. He was itching for the fight and he got one. He stepped forward and created a few blades, with each one made generating a bigger shock each time. This is the price to pay in order to use them without trouble, as he created his 8th one the shocks became so severe that his body was starting to become weaker. However he began to build up a resistance to the shock and when he created the next couple he felt no shocks at all. He gave a smile and commanded the 10 blades to attack the captain.

Alex wanted to try something new, as he used project end energy a byproduct was starting to form afterwards since the battle and as such he was able to use it in weird ways. He first wanted to try an attack. So Alex concentrated his mind and felt the byproduct flow through him and his stikes became supercharged and he could do some serious damage with a single punch. Alex also used the arena to attack the captain from many different angles. He would have to change his tactics up based on where the fight is however by then Alex would have learned enough.

As the morning came and Alex was still training, he had not taken a break and his strength still stayed, After a short while Theresa came in and saw Alex and said "Alex, are you all good in there." Alex nodded and Theresa looked at the previous runs and Saw that Alex had been training for the last eight hours and said "what the hell." She then shut the session down and said to Alex "Were you awake all of last night?" Alex looked at the clock and saw that it was 7 am and said "Huh, I guess I was. I must've lost track of time." Theresa sighed and said "Well go get some breakfast. You never know when another mission comes up." Alex nodded "I am a bit hungry."

Alex went to the dining area where he was greeted by Sarah who said "Ah Alex, ready to prepare more?" Alex nodded and said "yeah, last night I had a go by myself and I've been trying something new. may give us the edge we need. If we so need it. I haven't fully tested it out and I don't know if you are able to use it." Sarah then said "I see, well I want to watch you try it. It could be cool." Alex nodded "it is, but there is a limitation." Sarah then said "how so?" Alex sighed "my body is able to store a byproduct, if I have enough built up then I can unleash quite a bit of hell, or do something else."

Alex ate breakfast while speaking with sarah saying "Did you write down your notes for the report?" Sarah nodded "Yeah, where do you want them?" Alex smiled "good, swing by my room later, I'll put them with the report and send a copy to theresa and my master." Sarah then said "why do you need to send a copy over to theresa?" Alex looked around and said "Since living here I've always sent one to Theresa for safe keeping, one to my master to understand the situation and I keep the original for safe keeping."

Alex and Sarah walked out of the dining area and went train. Alex had hoped it would be their last before going to Zach and the captain. As they got there they saw Seele training, however her expression was different and a weird atmosphere filled the room. Seele looked to Alex and Sarah with a more sour expression before leaving and looking happier again "Ah Alex, Sarah, good to see you." Alex had noted that her eyes were shut and Alex said "Seele, what's up." Seele then said "ah just practicing." Alex could see that seele was wearing a black and red outfit and said "you look different today." Seele's eyes then shot open and she said "What do you mean different?" Alex then said "your outfit is red." Alex then heard the most un-seele thing ever from 'seele' who said "shit." both Alex and Sarah stepped back and said said "Seele, this isn't like you?" Alex then said "I don't think she is seele." 'Seele' looked disappointed and said "well I am, just not the Seele you know. She's asleep in our mind. So you're stuck with me for the day, fun." Alex then said "did she tell you about the thing?" 'Seele' nodded and gave a chuckle "Yeah, yeah. I know what to do." Sarah looked at Seele and said "so is that why your eyes are red?" 'Seele' nodded again "yeah, normally I just look like seele, but you've been able to see through it, strange." Alex nodded "I guess I can." 

Alex and Sarah sat around for a while, waiting for Seele to finish up. Alex then saw a cat run in followed by Rita who said "Ah Alex, you haven't met stan yet have you?" Alex then said "Stan?" Rita looked to the cat and said "Him, master dundral's cat." Alex then looked to the cat who was staring at Rita and Alex said "He seems wary." Rita nodded "He doesn't like anyone aside from master dundral." Alex nodded "I see." Dundral then walked in and said "oh, are you waiting to use this rita." Rita then shook her head "Oh no master dundral I was just getting stan for you."Stan then ran to dundral and she said "Oh I see, well I was hoping to train for a bit" She then looked to Alex "I haven't seen your skill set yet Alex, mind if I spar with you?" Alex nodded "Sounds fun."

Alex and Dundral looked at each other in the area and Dundral said "Want me to go a bit easier on you?" Alex shook his head and said "No, but feel free to do what you want." Dundral nodded "I understand." Alex readied himself as did dundral who was wearing her gloria battlesuit. The countdown ended and the two began to clash. Both had decided on hand to hand combat, as Alex didn't like using his guns outside of the range and he didn't want to use project end energy either just in case of an emergency.

Alex blocked any attacks dundral was throwing at him, as did dundral, both of them seemed evenly matched but that would change. Alex eventually threw a punch that connected with dundral and she felt the impact. this lead to a moment of weakness by Alex and she struck him back and hard. Alex felt a few blows to the chest and Theresa wasn't kidding when she said Dundral was the strongest Alex took a few more blows while standing his ground as he went for another punch dundral grabbed his arm and punched him again. Alex smiled "wow you really are strong." Dundral smiled as well before punching him back and she said "not too bad yourself for someone not using his powers." Alex nodded "I'm saving it just in case." Dundral then noticed something pouring out of Alex's mouth, it was a bit of blood and she said "I think we should stop now." Alex looked confused "Huh, why?" dundral sighed "you're bleeding." Alex then checked the side of his mouth and saw the red liquid and said "huh, so I am." Dundral rubbed the back of her head and said "Sorry." Alex smiled again "nothing to worry about, I'll heal up soon."

The two exited and Rita said "that went well." Alex nodded "Yeah, but I taste Iron." Dundral then said "again I do have to apologize. I didn't mean to hurt you." Alex shrugged "It really fine, no need to apologize." Sarah then said "Maybe you should lie down, you haven't slept yet." Rita looked shocked and said "When did you sleep last?" Alex looked around and said "Before the portal." Rita sighed grabbed Alex's arm and took him to his room "You should get some rest, sleep deprivation leads to loss of focus, and that could affect yo-" Rita was then interrupted by an alarm and Alex said "that's the portal, was expecting it." Alex was about to get ready but noticed that rita hadn't let go yet. "Rita?" Alex said "I need to go." Rita let go and said "Just promise me that you'll get some rest when you get back." Alex nodded "You got it."

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