53: Secret Santa pt. 2

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"It's for the child." He said throwing it towards him, he caught it quickly.

"AM NOT A CHILD!!" He protested while ripping through the toy story themed wall paper.

(F/E/N: it's true he has a girlfriend now 😃)

(A/n: false guys at my school are children and have girlfriends 💀)

He opened the box to see two vinyls. He happily picked them up.

"NO FUCKING WAY??!!" Tommy yelled at the dics.

"Yup!" Wilbur said proudly.

"MELLOHI AND CAT! FUCK YOU DREAM!!" Tommy said, happily he lightly hugged the vinyls. Which were of course in their cases but still were cool.


(A/n: they are rich my guy)

"Alright Phil who'd you get?" Ranboo asked. He smiled.

"I got Sapnap actually." Phil said. It was an unusual duo but they respected the drip.

Sapnap tore through the paper to see vans, they were flame patterned.

"YOO PHIL POPPING OFF??!!" Sapnap yelled, marveling at the shoes. Phil chuckled.

"Thank you Phil." Sapnap said. Phil nodded.

"No problem mate." He said. The next person was Niki.

"I got Freddie." She said, giving him his gift.

He opened it to see a frog bucket hat.

"NOW I HAVE A FRIEND FOR MY FROG HAT AT HOME." Freddie said happily. Niki chuckled.

"THIS IS AMAZING!!" He yelled.

"Glad you like it." Niki chuckled. He nodded happily and plopped the hat on Ariadne's head.

Next up was Jack.

"I got Phil." Jack said he handed him the bag. Which contained a hardcore heart keychain.


(A/n: Ayo that's pog as hell)

"Hardcore baby!" He said, dangling it.

"And matching necklace, pog." Phil said. He thanks Jack.

Next up was Dream.

"Oh yeah I got Niki." Dream said. Niki thanked him as she opened the present.

It had a sketchbook and drawing pens and pencils.

"You said you picked up drawing." Dream said. Niki awwed.

"Thank you Dream!!" She said happily. Dream smiled and everyone moved on.

Sapnap was next.

"I got Dream." Sapnap said, tossing the bag to him.

He caught it and quickly opened it. Inside was a new mouse and a lime green hoodie.

"YOOOO!!" Dream said, admiring the mouse. He clicked the buttons, Sapnap nodded.

"It lights up, and Bluetooth." He said proudly. Dream chuckled as he looked over at who was next.

(F/E/N: Ohhh. 💀 forgot they were rich for a second)

"It's Gogy's turn now!!" Tubbo sang. George grabbed a blue colored bag and handed it to Wilbur. He opened it up and happily hugged his present.

The bag contained of guitar picks, which all were a pretty blue. As well as a special pick with George's face on it.

"I'm never not going to use this one." Wilbur said, laughing at the gogy pick.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??!" Tommy yelled laughing, everyone took a glance at the pick.

"Gogy pick." Ranboo said. Everyone nodded.

"Alright, it's my turn!!" Freddie hummed. He grabbed his bag and happily gave it to Tubbo.

"Yooooooo!!" Tubbo yellled, pulling out a huge bee plushie.

"IT EVEN HAS A BUM!!" Tubbo yelled turning the bee around to see a little stinger. Freddie nodded proudly.

"A national treasure I know." Freddie said. Tubbo squished it as he happily thanked Freddie.

"And lastly it's Ariadne. With Y/n!" Freddie introduced. Ariadne happily handed her her present.

She opened it to see a mood ring. And a hoodie which was  F/c.

(A/n: f/c = favorite color)

(F/E/N: Ra1n they know this. They've read all your books already. And if they haven't- 👹🔪)

(A/n: some people are dumb)

"THANK YOU!!" Y/n smiled. Ariadne nodded happily.

"Look at the bottom of the bag." Ariadne said. Y/n scrounged around until, she found a bracelet. Which said.

"Only reason why I'm not gay is this dumbass." Y/n read out loud, she burst out laughing.


"HEY!!" Tommy yelped at Ariadne. She chuckled as everyone agreed with the bracelet.

Picture day is tomorrow so wish me luck 😭

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 1082


Can You Speak Up? (Deaf Tommy AU) Tommyinnit x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ