Where do bad things go?

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Bethany's POV
I was scrolling through Instagram. I saw numerous pictures of partying and all the shit that happened to my party. Everyone tagged me and said, "awsome party beth!!!" Or "party was the shit" something like that it was basically chaotic for my phone.
I scrolled through the pictures and I see someone in the background, making out. I looked closer, it looked like Cameron. I screenshoted it. He was across from me eating cereal. I went on my photos found the picture and zoomed in.
I couldn't handle it. It was to much, I saw. I put my phone down and looked at Cameron.
"Do you really love me?" I asked him.
"Yeah babe, your the best." He replied.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah why" He said standing up and putting the cereal bowl in the sink. He walked to me and kissed my cheek and sat on the couch.
"Cam, I need you to get out of my house..... Please." My voice was shaky.
"Babe what happened?" He asked me.
I opened my phone and showed him the picture,
"THIS IS THE PROBLEM CAMERON. THIS IS!!!!!!!!! NOW. GET. THE. FUCK. OUT. OF. HERE!!!" I pointed my fingeres straight to my wooden door.
"Babe, I can explain tha-"
I cut him off.
"NO." My eyes were watery. "GET OUT."
"Ok. I will." He sighed and left the door with his head down. He left his jacket.
I kneeled down. Covered my eyes with my hands, I bawled for hours. Jenn had keys so she opened the door. Seeing my cry.

Jenn's POV
"Beth what happened?" I ask her. She looks the saddest I ever saw her.
"Cam..." She replied with a shaky voice.
"It's okay, Beth. I'm here. But where the fuck did he go?"
"I don't know and I don't care."
She replied with a sudden anger.
"Beth, you don't know that his stepmom kicked him out of his own house?" I asked her.
"Uh... No."
"They had a fight and I don't know where he would go." I told Beth.
"Probably at Nash's apartment." She replied.
"Ok. Let's get you ice cream and I'll set up Netflix, I'll sleep over and we could watch all night, whoever sleeps first owes 20 BUCKS!!!" I laughed and got the stuff.
"Yay." She replied with a little happiness in her voice, it's like a mini happiness that wants to get out.
We watched almost every comedy and chick flick movies, and unfortunately I slept first. Dammit.

Cameron's POV
Where am I gonna go. Where will I stay. What will I do. My one and only is gone. I left my jacket at her house and I'm freezing. All I have is the necklace I was going to give her. My Beth is gone, I only have my phone. OH WAIT. I CAN CALL NASH!!!
"Mm, what."
"Can you pick me up at the end of Beth's street. Pls." Saying her name makes me tear up.
"JUST DO IT NASH." I replied.
"Okay comin at five."
"Okay..." I trailed off and ended the call.
He picked me up and we went to his apartment. I told him everything and clearly, I was tearing up at the beginning of the story already. She's gone.

(Hi guys. Hi. Hi. Ok sad parts. Btw I do not check my work or spelling or grammar ok. I try my best. Mkay bye. Luh you. 🙈🙉🙊)

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