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Cameron's POV
Mkay. 3rd day. Wednesday. I got her my top 10 favorite polaroid pictures we took the other night. I put the polaroids in 5 picture frames. Didn't really cost much. But it meant something special to me.
"Hiiiii, Beth" I say.
"Hi" She says looking a bit droopy.
"What's wrong?" I ask as I hug her.
"Nothing, I'm Fine."
"No tell me." I told her.
"My ex, is here."
"What?" I ask her.
"Yes, my ex. Cameron. Is that what you wanted to know." She tells me in a different voice, :/.
"To take me back." She tells me, hugging me as tears dripped down her face.
"What do you mean." I start to get mixed emotions.
"I'll explain it to you later. I can't talk right now." She grabs her books and walk to her next class.
I have so many questions going through my head. Why? What? How? Who? I love you... As I was walking to my next class, I see Stephen staring back at me, like he was THE BULLY.
"Your ugly ass face, oh wait. You got too shocked huh? Cuz you've never seen a nerd say those words??"
My blood is boiling, my fists tense up and clench.
"Actually no. I'm not shocked,"
I clench my fists. Giving Stephen a big swing right on his cheekbones. He clenches his own fists. As it goes across the air, I grab his hand with my right hand. I bent his hand back and twisted it. His other hand was going for the same strike, so I grabbed his other fist with my left hand and did the same thing. He pulled his right leg backwards, he was going for a kick. I suddenly kneeded his balls. I let go of his hands. Setting it free, he grabs his privital part and holds it from the outside of his pants. He gave off a loud scream. I walk away.

Bethany's POV
Should I really tell Cameron about Stephen's brother. How I dated him and we were so happy together until I saw him cheat on me. Ok the memories are back. Beth calm down... Beth yah gotta chill. Ok. Ok. Ok.
At lunch Cameron walked up to me,
"Hello" I replied back.
His friends and my friends were sitting together. He hands me a box that says,

I open it and see 5 picture frames with two pictures in each frame.
"Awwwwww. Cam" I hug him putting my arms around his neck. He hugs me back tighter and lifts me up. "Thank you," I tell him.
"No problem, Princess." He smiles back.

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