Notice Part2

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Cameron's POV
I started walking towards Bethany, and I really like her. AS IN LIKE LIKE. And the dance is coming up, I wanted to ask her out.
"Hey " I told her in a nervous voice. I suck.
"Umm... Hi?" She replies.
"Talk to you later. At the pizza place across the street after school. It's something important." I replied back. I sound like a fucking creep. Ughhh.
"Uhh... okay.?.?" Bethany says in a really confused voice.
"See yah."

Bethany's POV
Did that bully just asked me to meet him afterschool? Holy Tacos, what am I going to wear?!??! Okay beth calm down. Let's just wait.
"What THE HELL WAS THAT BETH?!" Jenn shouts as she just noticed what happened.
"Uhh... a dude just talked to me. So,"
"He is asking you out dummy!!" Jenn tells me.
Holy shit. Cameron just asked me out?!?!!!!
(Hi there. If your reading this. Hi hello. Please help my account grow bigger and I'll return you a great favor afterwards. But i need help spreading my account. )

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