Broken family.

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Cameron's POV
"It started when I was 4 years old and I played karate and football, and all I ever cared about was those two things. My mom and dad were so proud and happy. But one day my mom came home and she was drunk as fuck holding a beer bottle in her hand. My dad was staring at her from the kitchen. He was making dinner. Then my mom dropped the bottle making crash to the floor. I was startled and I looked at the broken pieces of glass on the ground from upstairs. My dad yelled at my mom and they did that back and forth for almost an hour. I was watching half of it until my mom shouted at me. My older sister Sierra came to my room and held me, she locked the door and told me everything was going to be okay. But things got worse."
Bethany was now tearing up.
"Sierra started packing my clothes and everything into this giant luggage. I stood there watching her tears drip down her face. I was standing there holding my small toy car my dad gave me, wearing my Thomas pajamas. My mom and dad were still yelling at each other. Sierra finished packing and then she called her boyfriend, Shawn, Shawn Mendes. She told him something about picking us and my dad up outside at 3 AM. It was 11:48 when she tucked me into bed and she slept with me, my dad slept at Sierra's bedroom which has a door connected to mine. My mom was in the master bedroom sleeping, she was all the way on the third floor so she did not here any shit from the second or first floor. I was guessing it's 3 am when Sierra carried me downstairs, I was half asleep. I also heard my dad open the door it was still dark. I remember waking up at a larger place, a larger house. I was on the couch laying down, Sierra greated me and she was the only one who protected me right now. She picked me up and sat me on her lap she fed me soup and after that, she told me we arent going out for a little while."
I could see Beth's eyes getting better. Wow she's beautiful.
"I agreed to that since our new place was large. It was a nice life. We had everything we need. Except a mom but who cares."
Out of no where Beth hugged me realy tight and whispered, "Cameron your a great person." I didn't know why she did that but I just hugged her back and kissed her forehead.
"Moving on, Two years later. We found out my mom was living in Europe with her new husband and four kids. My dad married a BEAUTIFUL woman named, Gina. We had another two siblings named, Thebeu (tee-boe) and Madison. Basically two more of me and Sierra.
We enjoyed our lives."

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