how to piss of the Avengers-be blind

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Warnings: blindness? does that count?

Ships: you guys, we did it again. it's not spiderfrost! actually, there is no ship this time

I lost my eyesight when the spider bit me. Not completely sure about the logistics of it because a doctor couldn't really help my case, but I believe it's because my body was overstimulated and my brain stopped one of my senses, eyesight. Instead I learnt how to feel with my not-quite-sixth sense. I call it my spider sense but for some reason everyone else calls it my "Peter tingle" eugh.

Anyway, I'm still friends with Ned, but I now go to a special school. It not only supports my blindness, teaching me how to read braille, but also gives me opportunities to grow. Everyone knows I'm naturally smart anyway, so I couldn't be sent to a normal special needs school. I'm still Spiderman, I just don't know what people look like. If anything, becoming blind has helped me on this behalf. I still have my weird way of seeing things, except now villains can't 'blind me' with bright lights or anything.

Mr Stark brought me to Germany to fight against the crew, he almost forbade me to go when he found out I was blind, but I still got to go. Even if I couldn't see anything, it felt amazing. All the scents and sounds. I'm glad I still have a vague idea of what Mr Stark looks like from before, otherwise it would be incredibly awkward, considering he's my father figure. I go to the tower after school each day and every other weekend I sleepover.

Now here comes the awkward bit. Neither Tony or I knew the rogue Avengers were coming back today. And that is a Problem because when I walked out of the elevator, I had nothing to show I was blind. I had no guide dog, I didn't register for one because I had my own ability to see and didn't want to take anything from anyone who might need it more, no white cane, and no glasses. I had Tony approved glasses instead, ones that look exactly like his that cover my milky eyes without shouting it to the world when I want to be more covert.

Continuing on, when I walked out of the elevator, I could immediately tell that there were more people there. And judging from their stature, they were the rogues. They were the people who hurt Tony. I almost growled. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Don't murder anyone. Now, let's meet the Avengers.

~POV switch-Steve~

Who the hell is this kid? Why is Stark allowing a 14 year old up here? Stark sighed in relief and went towards the boy.

"Hey Pete. Sorry I didn't know. Wanna be properly introduced to them?" He was speaking with such familiarity. 'Pete" nodded, not making eye contact with anyone. Fair, he's probably scared of us. Tony smiled and wrapped an arm slowly around him, why was he acting like that?

"Everyone this is Peter, my personal intern and my sorta son. I have partial custody over him." Really!?

"Really, Stark! That's so stupid, how could you ever take care of a child when you're drinking your life away?" Low blow, I know. But the kid stiffens up, I must be speaking the truth.

"He hasn't touched a drink in years, so shut up. Tony is an amazing dad, better than you could ever be." Peter has some nerves. His stance is confident, and so is his voice, but his eyes are still flitting around the room, not looking at anything. How rude.

"Fine, I'll take your word for it. Now, are we going to finish the introductions?" Tony nodded, almost proudly.

"Right. Peter, this is Steve, you already know what he looks like." That last sentence was a bit odd, but nonetheless I went up to give him a handshake.

"Nice to meet you, Peter." He just nodded, ignoring my outstretched arm. He must get his manners from his 'dad'.

It continued on like this, him nodding instead of shaking the hand, eyes flitting around, Sometimes Tony describing what the person looked like. That last one was very weird, but honestly, he's so rude. Well, that was what I thought, until the end of the introductions.

"Honestly kid, you're so rude. You shook none of our hands and didn't make eye contact with any of us!" Some of the others nodded in slight confusion, others, like Bucky, looked at me in shock. Why?

"Oh geez, sorry I couldn't tell." And sarcastic too?

"How could you not tell? How hard is it to see my hand?" And that for some reason starts to make people laugh heavily or groan heavily.

"What?" Stark laughed with Peter.

"Peters blind, idiot." Oh. Oh no. I'm sure my face must be hilarious.

"Oh. I am so sorry. But, how do you work in the labs without seeing?" Peter chuckled.

"None of your business. Now c'mon dad, I wanna finish off my project, I wanna see how long it lasts." Tony nodded and gestured for him to go up to the labs by pushing softly on his back.

"Sure kid. Oh, and You guys? Hurt Peter and you're out on the streets again. Settle in." And with that, he left. Leaving me with a bunch of people laughing at me. It wasn't that obvious, he didn't have anything to show it.

Who am I kidding? It was very obvious, and I'm an idiot. With that I left to get a cup of water. Dam. 

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