Part 1

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"Hey Eve! Over here girl!" I heard a friend call out from across the school yard.

I waved and quickly skipped over to where all my friends sat. Yes I said skipped, I am twenty-three years old and an age regresser. My friends don't fully understand it, but they accept me for it.

As I sat down my pigtails bounced and my glasses shook, "hi guys!!"

They all smiled fondly and said hi back, "winter finals are soon, are you prepared?"

My face fell lightly at Kelly's words turning into a pout as the others chuckled lightly. "Why you gotta bring does up Kk?" I found myself whining out to her.

Her boyfriend gave me an eye roll and a chuckle, "because you get so distracted during lecture that we all worry about your grades."

I turned my nose up and crossed my arms, "yet I make the highest grades out of all of you."

They all gasped playfully and threw carrots or popcorn at me as we all laughed. Study hall was normally spent like this, all of us outside under a tree to stay shaded. I used the time to organize my schedule as well as catch up with friends. I've never turned in a late assignment and I never plan too, I would be devastated if I ever did that.

Collage was fun after I started making friends, it was strange though that people in this town were so accepting. I came from a small town in Texas, and not many people accepted me. My family loved me regardless, but it was hard to leave the house without someone saying something. Now people just smile and wave at me like it's normal for a twenty-three year old young woman to dress like a toddler.

I enjoyed not being silently judged, it was a great change of pace. Here I'm not only on four committees but I'm also president of the sign language club. We help in the community with programs for deaf or hard of hearing children. I was to teach deaf children, it's what I am majoring in.

"Evelyn Parks to the front office please. Evelyn Park, front office, thank you."

I gulped lightly though I knew I did nothing wrong as I looked up at my professor.

"There's only a few minutes left Eve, go ahead and take your stuff, I'll see you tomorrow" he told me with a smile.

I nodded and grabbed all of my things before leaving quietly towards the office. I hummed to myself as I skipped down the hall waving to teachers and students that said hi. As I made it to the office I smiled at Ms. Peirce waving excitedly.

She smiled brightly at me, "hello again little one, the principal has some new students he wants you to welcome to the school. They're a bit older but they are transfer students, you have time?"

I bit my lip and pulled out my planner scanning it over quickly. "I have two hours before my next class, then I have dinner plans with Pamela and then my night routine. So yes I have time right now to greet them and show them around."

Her smile widened before she held up her hand and buzzed the principal telling him I was available. I stood by the entrance to the office rocking back and forth on my heels. It was relatively quiet at the moment, telling me that most students have already gone to dorms or home. This would be less stressful for me as big crowds of people make me quite nervous.

"I assure you Sir, your boys will get the best education here, I pride myself on our schools curriculum." I heard the principal speak out as his office door opened. "Ah and here is the welcoming committee, well one of our available members at least."

I smiled and waved at the tall man next to the principal, before I noticed the identical boys behind the two. My face grew hot just by glimcing at them, they were gorgeous. Their eyes glowed a sharp green, their brown hair was slicked back complimenting the strong structure of their faces. I wanted to hide behind my planner as they all approached me.

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