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(I cried typing this chapter)
         Ratchet behind me says "Optimus, I didn't return to save a life, only to loose the one I care most about." "Ratchet's restored planets! He'll find a way to save you!" Bulk adds "We can return to vector sigma, just like before!" Arcee steps in. My father counters "Because the matrix is now be relinquished with the allspark, it cannot be restored, or past down to another, but while this very well may mark the end of the age of... official primes, leadership can be earned with or without the matrix, and in my view, you have each acted as a prime." Knockout laughs "Well I never had the best role models." Optimus counters "As even Megatron has demonstrated on this day, every sentient being possesses the capacity for change." Prime's wings eject as I still hold onto him, desperately wanting him to stay.

                Optimus looks to me "Soldier, I know you didn't get a chance to begin another life with me but you will have that chance with your autobot allies. For while Wheeljack will be with you physically, I will always be watching over you in the allspark." I step back and wipe my eyes. Prime then removes the Star Saber from his back and says "Wheeljack, you are now officially granted access to my Star Saber." Wheeljack stutters "Sir, I-I can't take that from you." "I have no use for it, you do and will. You have used it for better things than what I have. You have earned it, Wheeljack." Prime repeats. The wrecker takes the blade carefully and looks at the markings before looking back up to Prime and nodding "I appreciate it, chief." Optimus nods and says to everyone "I ask only this of you fellow autobots; keep fighting the noblest of fights. Bumblebee assures "You can count on us to keep the peace."

                  More tears fall from my eyes as Optimus leans down to me. I hug him tightly and he kisses my forehead before kissing my dermas. (PARENTS AND KIDS DOING THIS IS NOT SEXUAL!!! IT IS A SIGN OF AFFECTION!!!) he hugs me once more and I say "I'll miss you, dad." He vents. This was hard for him too "I will miss you greatly as well. You are my son soldier, and you always will be." He then stands up tall as we separate and he takes off, flying into the sky, flipping around and then bursting down into the well. I cried as I watched him disappear out of sight.  Soon the well lit up, sparks flying out everywhere.

             A red and blue orb flies up to us and we stare in aw. Wheeljack sets his servo on my shoulder, smiling to me and assuring everything was okay. I smile back and we both look to my dad's spark as it circles around and flies off with the others, never to be seen again....

"Above all, do not lament my absence, for in my spark, I know that this is not the end, but merely, a new beginning.... Simply put: Another transformation." - Optimus Prime

(The end)

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