Chapter 50

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Ending song. Also Azrael's theme.

   Wiping my damp hands on my pants, I shudder as I try to calm myself and keep myself upright. Just for another hour, maybe less, and there won't be any of this tension inside me.

Looking around, I see that there's only myself outside the doors of the church, where inside there's assorted guests, family and friends mostly, who are waiting for me to enter. I can't ease myself from entering, but I really need to.

Looking in one of the mirrors that happens to be out here in the lobby, I check my appearance. My hair is cut short and styled, still presentable. My suit which is black outside and white inside save for the necktie still is lined up perfectly.

My face though is still pale and obviously disturbed. Not to mention that I seem like I'm about to faint and die. Please keep it together me.

The doors, or one of them, opens, and out steps Dad as he spots me and smiles.

"You alright, Azrael?" he asks as he comes over to me with a wide smile.

"Yes," I say as I nod my head, "I'm alright."

"You sure?" he asks as he reaches out and puts his hands on my shoulder while turning me slightly, "you're rather pale."

"I...I might be nervous," I say honestly.

"Hey," says Dad as he kneels down a little so his tall height lowers and he is on the same level as my eyes, "it's alright if you don't want to go through with this yet."

I look at his eyes, which are a soft brown, and he smiles softly.

"No," I say as I shake my head, "I want to do this."

"But if you're not comfortable," says Dad, "my son would understand if you want to hold it off a little."

His son, the love of my life. Waiting on the other sides of those doors.

"I want to marry him," I say with certainty, "and...and I want to be with him."

Dad looks at me for a second, before nodding and smiling.

"Alright, well, let's do this then," he says, and stands up and straightens his suit, before offering his arm.

I slip my arm on his, before he goes to the door, and opens them. Inside, people turn, and all stand up, as we walk into the large room.

Music from next to the alter is played by Milly on a piano while Marco stands in a cute suit with Levi near the alter, smiling and grinning, while Marco waves at me.

Next to Levi is Duke and Luke, in tuxedos, smiling as they see me. James and Kouta are also there, and their smiles don't falter.

On the other side of the alter are Mallord, the best-man of my husband-to-be, Dia, and Elizabeth. Emerson and Alia sit in the front row on my side of the rows of seats, and turn and smile as they stand. My family also is with them, Clementine, Shelly, and my father. On the other is friends and Mom, who waves at both of us while Dad smiles back.

Everyone who's been so valuable to me and my story for so many years now are here; Luke, Duke, Clementine, Dean, Martin, Shelly, Rafael too, Dia, Beth, Mallord, Mom, Levi, James, Jane, Milly, Marco, Emerson, Alia, Raymond, Kouta, and Dad.

But one person stands out, quite literally out of all of them.

At the center of the alter, smiling back at me, is Hogarth. Beaming and looking good in his tuxedo, his arms are held in front of him while he watches me approach with Dad.

Nearing the alter his smile only grows, and I find myself smiling as well. Dad leads me to the base, and then lets me go, but not before squeezing my hand and nodding reassuringly. Hogarth then takes my hand, and then we're standing at the alter together.

Perhaps because I feel the rush of blood in my ears as noise, I don't quite hear the sound of the minister's voice. But I don't need to, as I keep my eyes on Hogarth, warm and soft as a brown.

There are words that the minister says, and I manage to say what I need to, and so does Hogarth. We've dreamt for this day for many years now, looking back. I caused many mishaps that Hogarth will claim as his, but it's certain that we were both able to push forward to ensure this day.

Leaning down and craning up, we kiss as we're wedded, and there are cheers that dispel all the noise in my ears. Straightening back up, Hogarth smiles so brightly that he could be the sky and the sun. He really is.

"I love you," says Hogarth.

"I do too," I say, "I love you so much."

There was a time when love was so ominous to me that I couldn't even think of a future with it. That it was as dangerous to me as water is to a fluttering insect. But even the smallest animals in creation need water to leave the shadows of death.

And...I need now Hogarth to survive. But that's what I desire.

And so does he.

Taking my hand and keeping me close, Hogarth begins to walk down the aisle, people cheering and throwing rice and smiling happily.

Hogarth's father who walked me down the aisle says with a grin to his son to take care of me, which Hogarth says with a smile that he will. Shelly cries happily, and so do many others.

Reaching the door, Hogarth squeezes my hand once, before he leads me out, and into the world outside, full of light and blessed by him. Blessed so luckily, by him.


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