Chapter 30

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Walking into the office and out of the elevator, I wave to Levi who sits in his office. As usual, he waves back and smiles.

"How was the holidays?" I ask.

"It was awesome! I thought it could never get any better. You?"

"Mine was fantastic. I can concur with your sentiment."

After some more talk, I walk over to my own office, and enter in. After Azrael shows up I'll try to head into his office and ask for whatever work he needs to have done. It' been a week since the time when Azrael notified me of the upset schedule we'll be experiencing in the coming week or so, as some of the people who were meant to come last week didn't give us a clear answer when they would arrive, which pushed back all the meetings we already had down.

Basically, because they weren't able to give any answer, we had to hold all our other plans. Azrael was mad in a subdued way that he kept tapping on the desk of his when he thought about the two of them. But luckily, I was able to calm him down as well as distract him while we ate together at lunch. I can't ask for more than eating lunch together, as that alone is an opportunity to be near Azrael, and creates moments that I wouldn't have normally.

Putting another stack of papers on top of my desk and pulling out of my bag, I notice Azrael pass by my office. He's talking on his cellphone and I hear him talk as he passes, which is new to say mildly. He's never made noise from his mouth when he's arrived, and I can tell something is up.

Leaving my office, I knock on his door and he immediately says enter. Going in, I see Azrael talking on his cellphone and also dialing on the desk phone of his, and he nods at me with a smile as he talks on the cellphone and then hangs up before picking up the one on his desk and talk on that.

"Outrageous, if it's even possible to tone down the atrocity of their actions," says Azrael into the phone, and I walk over to the desk and take my usual place sitting on the edge of it while facing Azrael.

"Of course, at your discretion," says Azrael, and after listening for a few seconds he says, "I will. Thank you."

Hanging up and setting the phone back down, Azrael sighs and puts his hand on his waist, saying, "Being dumb should be a crime."

I crack a smile, and say, "Did something happen?"

"Oh, yes," says Azrael as he looks over at me a gives a bitter smile, "those people who didn't want to give us a reply on when they could come in? They showed up this morning without any prior indication. And they want an audience immediately."

"They did?" I ask incredulously, "Are they still here?"

"I had security push them outside as they were causing a racket, screaming of lawsuits and twitter mobs, but I didn't let them in. I'll give them a chance to talk, though I'm not interested in them as I could be," replies Azrael, "by the way, good morning. How was your evening?"

"It was fine," I say, "I think the weather yesterday night wasn't as cold."

"I thought so too," says Azrael as he smiles, "I think it was just above freezing. It's been a while since it wasn't."

"But, getting back to the two coming now," I say as I nod to the office doors, "do you really have to grant them time to talk to you?'

"It'd be civil to do so, though they act like animals so the meaning is lost."

"Why exactly are they here again?" I ask.

"They want donations from me in their most recent political stunt. I've said that I won't get involved in it, but their ears seem to stop working when I say that."

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