Chapter 28

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The music of Azrael's office.


Azrael looks rested when compared to when we touched down yesterday on the ground in his jet. We had to leave later in the afternoon and got back to D.C. when there was no heavenly golden light of dusk or dawn of day.

Inside his office, some calming Baroque music plays. It's merry, but because the sound is turned down slightly it's not jubilant.

"Good morning, Hogarth," says Azrael as he looks over at me and smiles, "are you well rested?"

"I am," I reply as I smile as well, "how about you?"

"I think I am. My neck is not sore at all," he replies, and pats his neck.

He was complaining about neck pains earlier. Well, complaining would be wrong, as he only disclosed this fact after I asked him. That probably was why he said that I could come in to work late today, and why I showed up around ten in the morning. Azrael took thirty more minutes, but then made his appearance at the office here.

"So," I say as I sit down on the desk, still playing one of Jane's cards, "what do we have in the next few days and weeks?"

"Well," says Azrael as he looks at his computer where he has his calendar and also the monitor where he has several sticky notes plastered to remind him of things, "there seems to be several meetings that we need to have. Not anything too serious. Also a few contracts that I need to look over."

"Who are we going to be meeting with?" I ask.

"Several people of economic influence," says Azrael as he turns back to me, and begins to count on his fingers while saying, "there's two people I know. Emerson and Alia. The other two are just...people."

"Are the latter two not on the best terms with you?" I ask knowingly, and Azrael smiles.

"You're intuition is right as ever. They aren't on good terms with me at all. They don't know that though."

"Who are they?" I ask.

"One is a civil rights activist, and the other is a politician," says Azrael with a sigh, "they are extremely annoying. I have made it clear that I will not involve myself in any political activities, as this country is already split deeper than God could cut with the the sharp hands of a clock. I don't need to add to that, and I don't want to contribute. But they insist on an audience."

Azrael sigh again, and looks at the computer. The music fills the would-be silence.

"And there's James. Whether he can get his act together is beyond me," he says as he looks back at me.

"Sounds like we are in for a few tough days," I say.

"Not completely," says Azrael as he tilts his head to the side, "Emerson and Alia are on good terms with myself. Meeting them again will be nice."

"Are you acquainted?"

"We are. Emerson is head of a book publishing company, whereas Alia is part of the fine jewelry industry. She in a way controls the diamonds that come into this country as her husband works in the organization whose names escapes me now but confirms and grades those precious stones."

"She sounds formidable," I say.

"She's not evil," says Azrael with a laugh, making my heart throb, "and we get along nicely. She sometimes sends me gifts, like this one."

He pulls his collar aside, and around his neck is a thin line of diamonds, maybe half the width of my thumb nail. I'd say that it's not much, but on his neck it looks correct. By that I imply that some people wear huge wide diamond necklaces and bracelets; gauche and crass they are. The slim necklace on Azrael though fits him well, and helps to draw out the natural tone of his honey skin.

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