Chapter 12

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Sitting on the couch of the living room, I lounge around and enjoy the last day of break before Azrael and I fly out tomorrow. We had the Thanksgiving meal two days ago and today is Saturday. Tomorrow is Sunday which is when we have to get on the plane and go back to D.C.

Besides the incident on the day we flew in which was Tuesday there hasn't been any other issue. In fact, I'd say that Azrael has been extremely comfortable in his stay here. The several days he's' resided in this house I hope have been well to him and I'd say that he'd agree to that.

Right now he went out to ride horses with Mom and Mallord. He went riding a few days ago and he said he wanted to go again before he left. That's one of the reasons that I think that he's enjoying his stay. I went with him last time and he laughed as we rode around the ranch. There's a pond on the edge of the ranch that I showed him to and when we went over to it he seemed to enjoy the scenery.

All in all, it's been a lot of me hoping that Azrael enjoys the stay here. That I've been able to impress him. Well, not impress him. Just, leave an impression. That way I can start to gain a more lasting relation with Azrael. If I take enough of Azrael's mind, then my mind thinks that he's bound to ask me out. And even if he doesn't, then I can ask him out. If it's enough of an impression that I've left, then he's bound to accept.

"Hey," says Dia and Dad as they walk into the living room and sit down, "aren't you supposed to be packing?"

"I did," I reply, "I packed up most of my stuff. The only things left to put in my bags are just the toiletries after I use them tonight and also some other clothes."

"How's D.C.?" asks Dad as he settles into the couch, leaning back.

"It's aright," I say, "it's getting cooler nowadays and the other day the rain was pretty chilly."

"Has it snowed there yet?" asks Dia.

"Not yet," I reply, "but its November, so I wouldn't be surprising if it did soon."

"I wonder if it'll be before that it happens," says Dia to Dad, and they both grin.

"What happens? Christmas?" I ask.

"No," says Dia with a smile matching on Dad's face, "you ask Azrael out."

I open my mouth, as I didn't think anybody was on to me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I deflect.

"Sure you don't," says Dia, and Dad also nods along.

"What do you think is happening?" I ask aloud to either of them.

"Well," says Dia, "you like Azrael. And you're going to ask him out."

"You think I like Azrael?" I ask.

"Well," says Dad as he talks for the first time, "we did think it strange that you brought your boss back to Texas. I thought you had a girlfriend but Mallord said you broke up. So obviously somebody else was more interesting."

"And," says Dia, "if I were to have a reason to bring somebody back to my house for a holiday, I'd do it to get them to know me better, and vise versa."

"Besides that observation," I say, "what evidence do you have that I like Azrael?"

"Kid," says Dad with a grin, "I've been a parent of you and your siblings for twenty-six years. I think I know when one of my sons has a crush."

I sigh, as I know that I've been somewhat cornered and that they're also right. I might as well just admit it as there's nothing more to say.

"Yeah," I say as my face heats up and I turn my head while scratching it, "I like him. Happy you got me?"

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