Chapter 14

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Music playing in Azrael's office. I like Piazzolla music.


   Shrugging off my coat, I enter the elevator to go up to the thirty-third floor. Winter has set in around D.C., and it's not exactly to my liking. Being from a warmer place I suppose leaves you rather uncomfortable in the chill of somewhere else.

  As the elevator doors shut and I begin to rise up, I take my coat and fold it over my arm. I think today Azrael and I didn't have any meetings, so it should be a rather quiet day.

  Quiet days would sound appealing in most cases, but right now it's not exactly so in my opinion. If the day is quiet, that means to me that nothing between Azrael and myself is happening. That is, we're not making any progress.

  I wanted to by now to at least have asked Azrael out. We've entered past the first week of December, and by now it's clear in my mind that Christmas is running close. I've talked with my family on the phone every weekend and moment that I have to spare, and they do ask if I've made any progress. Dia, Mallord, and Beth have been very interested. I guess as the first sibling in a relationship that any of us have had, it's exciting to keep up with the news.

  I've thought of ways of getting close to him, like scheduling meetings more with other CEOs so that I can be in the same room as him. Or maybe eating lunch with him in his office. But even trying to eat lunch with him seems to bold for me, and to me asking to eat lunch together is as big of a jump as trying to ask him out.

  The elevator stops and I step out. Outside, the weather is grey and very windy, which stirs up the cold air. My coat keeps some of that air abated, but it still hits my face and bites there. If I can take Azrael back to Texas for Christmas, we could escape this weather.

  Walking into the office of mine, I sit down at my desk and start to get ready for the day. I'll stop by Azrael's office after I take a look at my email and also try to calm down after commuting.

  The hour doesn't pass quick enough as I wait, and I try to think of exactly how I should approach Azrael.

  Hey, I want to take you to my home again for Christmas, it that's okay with you Azrael. By the way, I really like you so if you could take this as our first date that'd be great. I also saw your body the last day in Texas and wanna run my fingers down your body and through your hair. Speaking of, wanna buy an engagement ring together?

  I huff out air from my mouth and think defeatedly that I need to find a way to actually realize my ambitions. If I were to ask for a promotion or pay raise from Azrael, not that I need one, I could find a way to accomplish that. That is, I could put in material work and receive results. There's a way to succeeding in those tasks.

  But in the case of Azrael, I don't know exactly what I need to do to succeed in asking him out for a date. And then, the success of marriage with him.

  Do I want to marry him? It's obvious to me that I want to. At this point because I've been working with him for the correct amount of time I know about his personality and better yet, his character. So dating if I managed to ask him out and he said yes would be for the purpose of formalizing a romantic relationship between us. I know enough, I think, about Azrael to say that he's the match for me. His character I can confide my love in.

   Glancing at the clock on the wall, I smile a little as I stand and walk over to my door and step out of my office. After the knock and being told to enter, I step into Azrael's office.

  Inside, some music is playing on Azrael's computer, some piano music that's relatively upbeat. Azrael sits at his desk, but there's a lady in his office as well sitting on the desk with crossed arms. I can tell that before I walked in they were conversing as friends.

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