Chapter 47

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  Alicia Keys is the bomb. But, this time in this story it's Azrael singing. He has a leaner voice, but can hit the notes.


   Hopping out of the car driven by Azrael's driver, Chad, I look around, and spot the restaurant in question that I'm supposed to go to. There's many people around, but they're not in the way of the enormous sign so I have no trouble seeing it.

  "That's the one, there," says Chad as he rolls down the window and points to the restaurant for me.

  "Okay," I say with a nod.

  "Before you think about it, don't try walking out on Azrael," says Chad with a smile, "he's planned something for you."

  "Don't worry," I say with a smile, "I won't."

  Chad nods once, before he rolls away and I'm left alone. Letting a deep breath in and out before walking forward. Above there's less sunlight, and also still in early March there's a chill in the air. But, I guess things could be better.

  I haven't returned to the office. But, Azrael has come over every single day since I stopped going, to talk and check in with me. He hasn't blatantly stated so, but I guess this means he's in love with me. I know I am.

  Azrael when he does come over enjoys usually a meal and a few hours of time with me. Sometimes when I say something he'll glow with a happy smile, and quietly giggles. I know I've been enjoying his presence.

  Today though, he asked me to come to a place, this place, a restaurant, to meet up with him and something special as he called it. I'm excited to know what it is.

  Opening the door, I walk inside to a lobby, where there's a few people around, but not that many. One person sees me, and smiles as he asks, "Are you Hogarth?"

  "Yes," I say with a nod, "that's me."

  "Alright, one second," replies the man, I think a waiter who works here, and then goes to a doorway leading to the dining space, and calls out a name.

  Levi comes out, and smiles when he sees me, and beckons me forward.

  "Glad to see you, and glad you're here," says Levi with a smile, and pats my shoulder.

  "I'm glad to be here as well," I reply.

  "Come in," says Levi, "there's something special waiting for you."

  I follow with him, and inside the dining room, several things strike me as strange. In the large room I walk into, there are many round tables scattered around the rooms. Above is a chandelier, while to the very far end of the room is a stage with large lights hitting the drawn red curtains.

  But, what's weird about it is that it's completely empty. Nobody else is around, and Levi and I are the only people I see present.

  Levi leads me to a table and a seat that faces it, and a table quite close to it.

  "Now," says Levi as he smiles, "get ready for a show."

  Before I can ask, Levi goes toward the stage and walks up steps then going toward the left of the stage. Reaching a rope that hangs down from the ceiling, he pulls it and the curtains begins to slide open.

  The back part of the stage is blue, a glowing blue, toward the ceiling, and a darker black toward the floor of the stage. To the left of the stage is a black grand piano, while to the right is a drum kit. In the center of the stage is a microphone on a pole.

  Two women, Jane and another, walk onto the stage, and head toward the instruments. Jane goes to the drum kit while the other lady goes to the piano. The other lady looks around Levi's age, and I think she's the mother of Marco, as her hair color and eyes reminds me of him.

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