Chapter 35

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All in the head of


After exiting the elevator that carries the two of us back up from the conference room where we met with Alia and Emerson, we head to the offices of ours. I guess it's time to head back to my office-work. Maybe later Azrael and I can exercise together downstairs in the gym.

I have to say, when Azrael had my clothes on while working out, I felt my chest heat up. Not only that, but also because he was sweating in those clothes, he was hot. And, not to mention he's normally alluring to me, in that state he looked so good that I could take a bite out of him.

I'm just setting my hand on my office door when Azrael turns to me and talks.

"Um, Hogarth," he starts, "I need you to join me in my office for a few words."

"Oh," I say as I follow him into his office, "am I in trouble?"

"Oh, no. Not at all," says Azrael as he smiles, "you're never in trouble with me."

"Thank God," I say as I follow Azrael to his desk, where Azrael sits down and sets his newly acquired gifts on the desk, and I take my usual position on his desk sitting.

"So, about next week," says Azrael as he taps the space bar on his keyboard and it turns on, and he opens a calendar, "there's some plans that I would like to discuss with you."

"What's up?" I ask as I glance at the calendar, and then back at his grey eyes.

"Well, see, I know we just traveled at the beginning of last month," says Azrael as he taps the computer, "but, I think we may be traveling again."

"Oh, where do you think we'll be going?" I ask, thinking maybe that he'll go to Texas, and maybe we'll finally get the relationship I dream about so often.

"Well, there are actually several destination we will be visiting," says Azrael, "we're going to be visiting, for now that I plan, that is, the United Kingdom, The Kingdom of Bahrain, and then Japan. In that order, that is."

"Why exactly will we be visiting those places?" I ask curiously.

"The reason for the United Kingdom is to meet up with a business accomplice and also meet some other people of importance. In Bahrain, we're going to be talking to and meet with several people who are trying to improve the agricultural business of Bahrain," says Azrael.

"I know about Japan and the UK, but where's Bahrain?" I ask curiously.

"Oh, Bahrain is in the Middle East," answers Azrael, "in the gulf. From what I've heard, it's beautiful around this time of the year."

"Well, I look forward to that," I say with a smile.

"I do too," says Azrael with his own smile, "and after Bahrain, we're going to Japan to meet an accomplice, and then also just enjoy the traveling."

"Have you ever been to Japan?" I ask curiously.

"I have," says Azrael, "in the past, so this will be a return to that country."

"But," says Azrael as he glances at his computer and then back at me, "the reason I was talking about this is because, I know that we just traveled, so if you didn't want to join me, you could stay here and do some office-work while I went around the world and-"

"Of course I'll go with you! I'm your assistant," I say with a smile, and realize that I may have rudely interrupted him.

"Okay, then," says Azrael as he smiles, happy to hear my answer, "so, I'll prepare my jet."

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