Chapter 29

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Piazzolla Music.


Grabbing the lunches, I walk to the elevators out of the cafeteria and head to the thirty-third floor, excited for the coming half hour or so. I get to eat with Azrael again.

It's true to say that we had plenty of meals together back at his home in Alaska, and also that one night we went to the Chinese restaurant that served delicious food, but this is truly an occasion where it's only the two of us. No distractions. That was splendid, and I'm sure if every part of my could remember, that's all in my life that would matter to my being when I die.

Exiting the elevator I walk over to the office doors at the far end of the hall I'm so used to. I wave and say hi to Levi who has his door open and we smiles back and waves. Stacking the two lunch boxes on top of each other, I knock, and then enter after I hear Azrael's usual response.

Inside, there's different music playing from earlier. It sounds to be played by wind instruments, and is slightly merry. The tempo is upbeat and is whimsical. Azrael looks over form his desk, and waves, but he speaks on the phone at his desk.

"Yes, that would I think be appropriate," he says into the receiver, and then waits a moment before talking again, saying, "if you could do that Jane, I'd be very grateful."

Another pause, and then he says, "Thank you. I will talk to you later. I have a lunch date and I'd like to accommodate it now."

He then hangs up and then rubs his hands together as he looks over at me with a smile.

"My hero," he says with a smile, "has arrived."

I laugh, and walk up to his desk and set down the two lunches, and take a seat at an office chair that has been placed next to the desk. It usually is the one that Marco sits in when he comes by and he gets help from Azrael. You don't usually see that in the well-to-do. Taking time for the next generation. If only I had a kid with Azrael, he'd be a great parent.

I have to pull my brain out of day-dreaming a future in a house with kids running around with a finger of Azrael's with my ring on it so that I can concentrate on the meal. That desire of mine snatches my mind like a snare. Though, with the delicious lunch I have help to return to reality and eat with Azrael before me The lunch is not sandwiches, but hotdogs. Each one comes with two and there's plenty of ketchup and mustard with relish to eat it with. Other compartments of the lunch box have potato salad, fresh cut salad, and a blueberry muffin as dessert. I also grabbed some plastic spoons and forks from the cafeteria, so there's no issue in trying to eat the food that can't be held in the hand.

"It certainly looks appetizing," say Azrael as he opens the box and gazes at the food.

"It really does," I say, and we start to eat.

"Are you alright," I ask as I swallow my bite, "after having returned to Alaska and your house?"

Azrael takes a moment to swallow his bite and contemplate my question. Then he answers.

"I think that at first, when I returned to my family's house," says Azrael after he wipes his mouth with a napkin, "there was some tension in me. That much was pretty obvious. But that gradually was able to ease a certain amount."

"It was?" I ask curiously.

"Oh yes," replies Azrael with a nod, "I at one point did not talk with everyone. Because of...issues. But there was more communication between my family and I. So that's good."

I have to remind myself strictly that even if I know Azrael's disturbed past, he hasn't directly disclosed it to me. That is, I have to act like I don't know it, even if I do. It does make for moments that conversations are slow as I try to sort out anything that would blurt my omniscience. When thinking about the implications of telling Azrael what I do know though, it all but increases my focus to create my ignorance. It would never to do have anybody but Azrael show me that facet of himself, and have him know that his is the one who introduced it to me. 

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