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"My mom's got a late shift tonight."

I held Scott's hand in mine as we slipped into his bedroom. He turned, shutting the door softly behind me.

I smiled softly. "So we're alone, then."

He grinned back. "We're alone," he confirmed.

I looked up into his warm brown eyes, reaching up with my fingers to trace his full mouth.

Scott stood there as I cupped his cheek with my palm, leaning up on my toes, my eyelids drooping.

I grinned as he closed the distance between us, his lips touching mine with a feverish passion.

I covered his hands with mine as they fell to my waist, his fingers pulling my hips closer to his.

I moved my lips against his mouth, my hands darting up to his chest when he gently pried my mouth open.

"Sawyer," he whispered as he drew back for a moment, to take a short breath of air. "Sawyer."

I pushed my hands against his chest, making him fall back onto the bed.

I easily straddled his waist, my hair falling like a curtain to hide us from the world.

Scott's brow furrowed as he stroked his thumb over my cheek. "Your eyes," he mumbled.

I frowned. "Huh?" I whispered, wondering why he was interrupting us.

He shrugging, giving me a crooked smile. "Your eyes are glowing," he said simply, flipping us over so that he'd pinned me to the bed.

I smiled shyly, propping myself up on my elbows. I feathered a kiss on his jaw, moving my lips to his neck slowly.

His fingers found my hair, lightly tugging to bring my mouth back up to his.

And I realized that I would never get used to this - the fluttering heartbeat, the sweaty palms, the kissing.

It would be an epiphany every single time.

My fingers flew over his skin, exploring every facet. I was sure our lips were swollen, but that didn't seem like a good enough reason to stop.

I nuzzled my nose against his shoulder, inhaling his masculine scent - it was calming.

Scott's fingers grazed the bottom of my shirt, and I quickly pulled the fabric over my head, flinging it across the room.

He hovered over me, his eyes having turned that bright shade of yellow I was beginning to love.

"I don't want you to do something you don't want to do," he whispered.

I chuckled, pulling him down to me. "Shut up and kiss me, Scott," I murmured, my hearing focusing in on his heartbeat. It was going a mile a minute - making my own heart beat faster.

Scott shut up and kissed me.


I was curled up against Scott's side, his arms around me. My forehead was resting on his shoulder, his fingers playing with the ends of my hair.

"Sawyer?" He whispered. I lifted my head, smiling at him.

"You're a good kisser," he blurted out, his cheeks turning pink. I couldn't stop a giggle escaping my mouth, dimpling.

"So are you," I whispered. He grinned, our breath mixing as we breathed.

It wasn't an intimate position, at least, not to two almost fully clothed teenagers - it was quiet, and calm.

We were just enjoying each other.


Storm // Teen Wolf // Scott McCall (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now