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Scott slid his window open, wearing only a hoodie over his bare chest.

He glanced at the door to his bedroom before jumping onto the roof, leaving the window open.

He knew Sawyer would kill him if she found out what he was about to do, but he had to know.

He had to know if Derek was the guy staying in the Hale house.

He jumped off the roof with ease, landing with a quiet thud. Scott glanced up at his house before sprinting towards the woods, his eyes glowing a vibrant yellow.


Scott froze as he heard a growl, crouching into a defensive pose, like he'd seen Sawyer do in the fight with the Alpha.

He bared his fangs when he saw a pair of glowing blue eyes in the darkened doorway of the Hale house, glowering at him.

Derek Hale lunged forward, ramming his shoulder into the teen wolf, throwing him back against a tree.

He snarled, his glowing blue eyes trained on Scott.

He hadn't fully shifted, like Scott had - Derek still had human features, aside from the fangs protruding from his mouth and the glowing eyes.

"You don't want to fight me, Scott," Derek growled, his eyes narrowed at the boy.

Scott snarled. "You're the Alpha," he retorted, straightening.

Derek rolled his eyes, scowling.
The glow of his eyes was slowing fading, making him seem more human.

"I'm not the Alpha," he bit out, rage evident in his features.

Scott scoffed. "So you didn't attack me this morning?" He snarled, a safe distance from Derek.

The older werewolf scowled, looking ready to rip Scott's head off. "Listen, you irritating little-"

His head whipped to the side, eyes narrowed. He sniffed the air, confusing Scott. He didn't think Derek was bipolar, but at the rate this 'conversation' was going, he was starting to believe it.

"Get down," the older werewolf growled, his gaze flicking around around the trees.

Scott growled back, still in his werewolf form. Derek pinned him under his scathing blue eyes, glowering.

"Now," he snarled.

Scott growled, yelping when something stabbed his forearm, pinning it to the tree behind him.

Derek snarled at the three men standing in front of the two werewolves, jerking the crossbow bolt out of Scott's forearm.

He grabbed the younger werewolf's arm, yanking him into the trees in a flash.

Scott shifted back into his human form, but his eyes were still glowing a bright gold.

"What the hell was that?" He demanded, teeth bared at Derek Hale.

The man stared at him with a cold gaze. "Hunters. Werewolf hunters," he told him, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Scott scowled. "Do they like shooting at random people?" He snapped.

Scott McCall was pissed - and he didn't know who he was pissed at.

Derek smirked, crossing his arms. "To them, you're not a person. You're a dog - and they put dogs down," he snarled. "Which is another reason why you're not playing the game on Wednesday."

Scott's eyes widened. "I have to play on Wednesday," he argued, knowing that the lacrosse team needed him to play.

Derek scowled. "If you play on Wednesday, I'll kill you, and I'll kill your spastic friend. Now, how does that sound to you?" He snarled, his eyes flashing blue.

Scott clenched his fists, a deep growl emitting from his chest.

Derek growled right back, louder.

"You are not playing that game, McCall."


Storm // Teen Wolf // Scott McCall (Discontinued) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora