One Of Those Days

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"Sawyer! We're having dinner at Melissa's!" Mr. Stilinski called up the stairs.

I kelt my eyes on my chemistry homework, nodding absently.


"Yeah, okay!" I yelled, setting down my pencil. I stretched my arms, pulling my ratty, paint-splattered t-shirt over my head and chucking it at the hamper.

I tugged my arms through a nicer, white dress-shirt, pulling on a black wool sweater over it, letting the cuffs fold over the sleeves.

I finger-combed my hair into a ponytail, swiping mascara on my lashes before tying my combat boots.

"C'mon, sis - I will leave your girly ass if you don't get down here!" Stiles teased, making me chuckle as I darted down the stairs, knowing they'd leave me behind if I wasn't fast.

And I was not missing out on dinner at the McCalls'.


"Hey, Sawyer!" Scott's mom, Melissa, pulled me into a hug, smiling at the Stilinski's. "Scott, they're here!"

I heard the pounding of Scott's feet and smiled when he appeared in the doorway.

"Hey, Stiles - Sawyer," he smiled at me, leaning over, and surprising me by pressing a kiss to my cheek.

Melissa and my dad exchanged a weird look, and Stiles made a face. "Hey, dude - did you get the chemistry homework done?" Stiles asked, tugging Scott away.

"Sawyer, do you want to help me set the table?" Melissa asked, smirking at the boys.

"Sure - anything to help," I murmured, following her into the kitchen.

"So how was work?" I asked as I grabbed some plates out of the cupboard. Melissa sighed, shrugging.

"Rafael called today. He wanted to see how Scott's doing - he's not answering his phone calls. Go figure, right? But, other than that, my day was... pretty alright," she smiled at me. "And yours?"

I shrugged, thinking back to how Allison Argent and I had been paired up for a History project.

"Miss Argent, you can pair up with... Miss Hale," Mr. Westover smiled gruffly at me, nodding to Allison.

I froze, staring at Westover with wide eyes. "Uh, d-does it have to be her?" I asked, stumbling over my words.

Westover raised a scruffy eyebrow, making me sigh. "Of course it does," I muttered, picking up my books to move to Allison's table.

She smiled, her brown eyes full of warmth. "Hi - I'm Allison," she held out her hand for shaking.

"Sawyer," I murmured, putting my hand in hers. God, if she's going to be nice, I don't think I can hate her.

"You're Scott's girlfriend, right?" She asked, opening her copy of King Lear.

If I'd been drinking water, I would've spit it out. "Uh... no, no - we're... we're just friends. Best friends," I added, flipping through my book.

She nodded, glancing at me. "But you like him."

"It was okay," I mumbled, setting out five plates. Melissa smiled sympathetically. "That bad, huh?"

I sighed, looking up. "I guess it was just one of those days," I gave her a tiny smile, a light blush tinting my cheeks.

She chuckled. "I hear you, sister."


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