Silver Bullet

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"Thanks, Dad," I murmured, leaning over to press a quick kiss to Mr. Stilinski's cheek.

He grinned. "Are you going home with Stiles?" He asked as I opened the door.

No, I'm going to look for an Alpha that could possibly bite my head off and knows that I'm in Beacon Hills.

"Uh... maybe. I might just walk - don't work yourself too hard, okay?" I smiled as I climbed out of the police cruiser, earning curious gazes from many high school students.

I quickly smelled Stiles and Scott, and heard them talking.

"It bit me - I think it was a wolf," Scott was saying as I approached them. The Alpha?

Scott was bit by the Alpha?

Stiles shook his head. "No - that's impossible."

I stood next to Scott, who frowned. "I know it was a wolf - I heard it howl," he insisted, his big, brown, doe eyes full of determination.

"There haven't been wolves in California for at least sixty years," I murmured, inhaling Scott's scent. It was definitely more... more wolf-like.

"Well, if you didn't believe me about the wolf, you definitely won't believe that I found the other half of the body," he announced, his smile triumphant.

"No way! Seriously?" Stiles asked as I examined Scott's face.

"Yeah - but I lost my inhaler," he admitted. My eyes widened.

"Have you had any asthma attacks?" I asked, my fear and worry evident in my voice.

Scott slowly smiled, his fingers brushing mine. "I'm fine, Sawyer - don't worry," he murmured, his voice gentle, making me blush pink.

"You gotta show me the body after school," Stiles said, his voice excited. "Sawyer, you'll come, right?"

They both looked at me with pleading eyes. I gulped. I couldn't lie to them, could I?

"Uh- a-actually, I was going to see Peter, you know, after school."

Stiles wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and Scott linked his fingers through mine. "I'll drop you off, sis," Stiles smiled down at me.

"My mom can take you home," Scott offered, dimpling at me. I felt my cheeks get hot. "S-sure."


"Class, this is Allison Argent. She's a new student from... ?" The teacher looked to the girl with the curly, dark brown hair.

"San Francisco," she smiled, dimpling. "Yes, well... take your seat behind Mr. McCall," he nodded to Scott.

I heard the announcement, but my mind kept going back to her name - Argent.

Allison Argent.

I found myself glowering at her as she sat behind Scott, who suddenly turned and handed her a pen.

I internally groaned. I'd heard her talking to her mother - an Argent - about not having a pen, but I didn't know the girl was an Argent.

In French, Argent meant silver.

Ironic, because Argents were a werewolf's silver bullet.

They were werewolf hunters.

A soft growl rose up in my throat as she dimpled at Scott.

Was I jealous?

His head snapped in my direction, but I'd already looked down at the syllabus in front of me.

I was not jealous. I was just angry because she was an Argent.

And Argents killed my family.


Storm // Teen Wolf // Scott McCall (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now