I Just Gotta Find Him

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"And you just woke up?" Stiles asked, a skeptical eyebrow raised. Scott nodded, frowning.

"I was all sweaty and I couldn't breathe - I've never had a dream like that before," he remarked as Stiles drive towards the school.

Stiles made a noise, raising his eyebrows. "Really? I have. Usually ends a bit differently, though," he frowned slightly. "And anyway, if you were attacking Sawyer, she'd totally kick your ass."

Scott rolled his eyes as they got out of the Jeep. "It just felt so real," he mumbled, eyes on the ground. "Like it actually happened."

Stiles suddenly froze, his eyes wide.

In front of them, in the school parking, a bus was surrounded by police cruisers, blood smeared across the windows.

Scott gasped, his eyes wide.

Stiles glanced at his best friend with horror written all over his face.

"I think it actually did."


I gasped as I bumped into the boy, his books sprawling across the linoleum floor.

"Oh, my God! I am so sorry, I'm all over the place today!" I rushed out, my cheeks turning pink as I scooped up his stuff.

I recognized him. Isaac Lahey. I smiled tentatively, holding out his books to him. "I'm sorry, Isaac," I repeated, and he grinned.

His gaze went to his feet before coming back up to me. "You're okay, Sawyer - it was my fault, anyway-" "No, no, Isaac - that was totally my fault," I insisted, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm really sorry."

The Lahey boy chuckled. "You hear about the incident outside?" he asked as we walked down the hall together. I frowned slightly, pausing in my steps.

"What incident? I keep hearing something about a bus, but nobody's telling me anything," I admitted, brow furrowed. Isaac hummed in agreement. "Apparently, someone was attacked on one of the school buses last night. Blood on the windows and everything-"

I slashed my claws at the huge, towering Alpha, snarling.

The monster roared, spittle hitting my cheeks with the stink of his breath. I was pissed.

It had killed someone - that girl in the woods. And while I wasn't totally sure that the Argents hadn't been involved in cutting her in half - talking to you, Gerard! - this Alpha was going to pay.

A tan-skinned flash darted forward, swiping his claws across the beast's chest. He growled, shoving me back.

I hit the windshield with a groan, the glass cracking. I stumbled into a standing position, growling menacingly at the Alpha, who was still busy attacking my best friend.

And then I shifted.

I shifted all the way, into my full werewolf form.

"-to be honest, it was kind of frightening. I mean, who would've attacked some guy at the school, you know?' Isaac asked, his eyebrows raised.

Scott. I had to find Scott.

It hadn't been a dream last night - the Alpha had attacked us.

"Scott - do you know where Scott is?" I demanded, grabbing his ekbow with wide eyes. My fear was making my voice shaky, and I hated it, but I knew Isaac wouldn't hold it against me.

I hoped.

His blue eyes were wide as he shook his head. "Um, n-no... no, w-why?" he stammered.

He was scared.

I quickly let go of his arm, my cheeks flushing pink. "I just gotta find him," I muttered, darting down the hall.

"Allison!" I yelled, bolting towards the dark-haired girl's locker.

I grunted as I collided with someone, toppling us both onto the ground. At the last minute, the guy flipped us so he took the brunt of the fall, and I landed on his chest.

I stared, wide-eyed, at none othe rthan Scott McCall, who sighed in relief when he saw me. "You're okay," he whispered, his brown eyes filled with a warmth and fondness that made my heart flutter.

I couldn't say anything, only nod meekly as his nose brushed against mine.


Storm // Teen Wolf // Scott McCall (Discontinued) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum