Tell Her

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"We need to tell her," Scott hissed, gripping Stiles' arm.

Stiles gulped. "I-I know. Do you think he knows?" He asked, his voice a whisper. Scott shook his head, his brown eyes determined.

"But if Sawyer finds out that he's here, in Beacon Hills, and we didn't tell her, we're screwed."

Stiles gulped. "She'll kill us!" He hissed. Scott nodded. "We need to at least tell your dad," he murmured.

His best friend shrugged, looking nervous. "Scott, I- Sawyer's my sister. Not by blood, but-but she's my sister. I don't want him to take her away," he mumbled.

Scott's expression softened. He knew how Stiles felt.

He'd known Sawyer Hale for six years - she'd been his first girl friend - meaning his first friend of the other gender - and he'd been her first friend, aside from Stiles and the Hales.

When he was feeling sad, there was Sawyer, with her dimpled smile and her pale green eyes, reminding him that she was there for him.

Encouraging him, relying on him, making him laugh.

Scott couldn't deny that if Sawyer Hale left, and he didn't tell her how much she meant to him - he'd be devastated.

"I know, Stiles, I know," he nodded, meeting Stiles' gaze. "But we need to tell your dad."


"Hey, Dad?" Stiles knocked on the door of Sheriff Stilinski's office. Scott could hear his heart beating a mile a minute, and he silently urged his friend to calm down.

"Hey, Stiles - no, not you, Melissa. I'll call her later. She's probably on her way home right now," he said into the phone.

"Yeah, okay. I'll call you when she gets there. Bye," the sheriff hung up the phone as Stiles and Scott sat down in front of him.

"Hey, boys - what's up?" He asked, looking suspiciously at them.

He had a right to - Stiles was usually up to no good.

"Um, Dad," Stiles began, swallowing audibly. The sheriff looked at him expectantly, while Scott heard Stiles' heart beat out of control.

"Scott?" The sheriff looked to Scott, who's palms had begun to sweat.

"Um, Mr. Stilinski- we- we were out in the woods the other day, and-and, um... well, we-" he looked to Stiles, who looked like a deer in the headlights.

"C'mon, boys, spit it out," the sheriff sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Stiles gulped, and Scott suddenly wished Sawyer were here. She'd be able to tell Mr. Stilinski the truth - she always did.

Finally, Stiles blurted out, "We saw Derek Hale in the woods!"


Storm // Teen Wolf // Scott McCall (Discontinued) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora