Discontinued | Author's Note

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Hi! Long time no see! But, uh, I doubt you're that happy to hear from me, lol.

As you can see from the title of this part, I'm discontinuing this story. To be completely honest, it's been discontinued for a while—I've just been putting it off.

I'm discontinuing for a couple reasons; mostly because I just haven't had any interest in this story for literal years. And that makes sense, when I look back at when I published things: I started Storm in 2016. 20-fucking-16. I don't even want to do the math on that, my guy, but I know for a fact that I was in middle school.

I am [supposed to be] starting my sophomore year of college this fall. That's absolutely crazy, how long ago that was.

And I've gotten so fucking old—not just in age, but just mentally and emotionally. Ya boi's like ninety, okay? And I've grown very tired of seeing people comment on this, lol, so I want to make something very clear so maybe it will fall out of popularity and I won't get them anymore. Edit: by being tired of seeing people comment on this, I mostly mean cringey "I hate [this character]" comments; I get them an awful lot, lmao, and it makes me pretty sad. To hate is not the Jedi way. 

(Yes, the easiest solution would be to delete the story, but I don't really believe in deleting things. It's a habit that has wreaked hell on every device I've ever owned.)

Storm is done. It's over. It's over because, frankly, I don't like Teen Wolf anymore. As I've gotten older, and have become more interested in film and cinematography and writing, and just matured, I've mostly grown to dislike the show in its entirety. I've grown out of obligatory YA romance, and while I think Teen Wolf as it was meant to be was maybe a little too complex for that box, it fits now that they've finished it. I'm disappointed—very—and also disillusioned.

Honestly, and I've gotten a few comments about it, I never intended to follow the plot of the show episode-for-episode. I can't remember what exactly I had planned, but I did want to focus more on the Hales—I can't properly express my irritation at the show's dismissal of the Hales as a whole—and eventually kill Sawyer off, sort of similar to what they did with Derek in season four. I did want to split up her and Scott, I think, although I can't remember how. Again, 2016, man, 2016.

Anyway. I was going to change things up. But, honestly, I don't have any interest in doing that, either. At least not with this story, as it is now.

There are still things I like about Teen Wolf. I love Scott's character as a whole (pre-season four), and I love Lydia in general, and, fuck, I love Peter. I don't know if you can tell. He's probably my favorite character, if I forget everything past season 3b—and I do really try to forget everything past season 3b.

Maybe I don't love him as much as Isaac, but, still.

But, that's not really important.

Uh. Another reason I stopped writing this story, and, if I ever do end up with a form of re-write, it'll be very different—is because I am kind of really gay.

I've seen those comments, about Allison and Lydia, and, you know what, me too. I believe in Sawyer-Allison slash. Every time I have sort of an idea for a rewrite, the character always turns way more gay than I thought she would be. So. If you ever see me post another version of this, be prepared for lesbians, because—because I said so, that's why ):<

I'm sorry if you've been holding out for an update. I am. I wish I could finish this for you, but—I just don't want to. I'm not proud of it. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and that it could bring you some joy (if it did, lol), but I just don't write things like this anymore, or, really, like this at all. I'm ninety-five now, okay? (20-fucking-16.)

If you want to follow me, so you'll know when I post again, you can do that. Otherwise, if I ever end up actually posting another story like this, I'll announce it here. Thank you for taking your time to read this story, and to comment if you have—feel free to comment here, too; I'll try to answer as many questions as I can!

I hope you're doing well. I hope you continue to do well—and I believe you will. Live long and prosper, friends.


Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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Storm // Teen Wolf // Scott McCall (Discontinued) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ