Our Almost Kiss

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Stiles pulled up in front of the Hale house, Scott riding shotgun and me in the back.

"Seriously, guys, I'm fine. I can go in by myself," I told them, staring at my old house with a guarded expression.

Stiles looked at me, determination clear in his eyes. "We're coming with you, Sawyer," he told me, his voice firm.

I gave him a grateful smile, and looked to Scott as he gently took my hand.

"You don't have to co-" "Sawyer, don't even try," he chuckled, cutting me off.

And without another word, he tugged me towards my old home.


"This is Laura's room," I murmured, stopping in front of her door.

Stiles took a step forward, peering into the room. He looked to me, his eyes asking a silent question.

I nodded, letting him know that he could go in. My brother walked into the room, his gaze sweeping around the room.

"Hey - is this your mom?" He asked, pointing to a picture of Laura and my mother. I nodded, staring at it.

"Yeah," I whispered, smiling slightly. "That's her."

He nodded, looking back to it. "She's beautiful," he commented. I nodded. "She is," I agreed, standing next to him.

"Hey, Sawyer?" Scott called, standing in the doorway.

I raised my eyebrows, and he motioned for me to follow him. I was a few steps behind him as he stopped in front of Derek's room.

The door was open.

"This one looks lived in," he murmured.

The Alpha.

I darted into the room, inhaling deeply. There had definitely been a werewolf in here.

I did a slow 360, nervously looking around. My gaze fell on the basketball that was sitting on the bed.

I gently picked it up, closing my eyes.

"Bet you can't get the ball, Sawyer!" Derek teased, dribbling his basketball in the hallway.

I grinned, lunging forward. My brother growled playfully as I stole it, passing it to Cora.

She rolled her eyes, tossing it at Peter.

He grinned, catching it. "Bet you can't get the ball, Derek," he mocked, dribbling the ball expertly.


We all turned to see Mom standing in the doorway, her arms crossed. Uh oh.

She slowly grinned. "Derek can't get the ball, but I can."

I smiled at the memory, tossing the ball to Scott. "It was Derek's."

Scott held the ball away from his body, looking worriedly at it. "Won't he be mad that I'm touching it?" He asked, looking genuinely nervous.

I frowned, raising an eyebrow. His cheeks flushed pink, and he passed the ball back to me.

"Did-did he play?" He asked, stumbling over the words. "Derek? Did he play?"

I rubbed my thumb over a dirt spot on the ball, smiling fondly. "Yeah. Yeah, he did. He was quite good, actually - as good as you are at lacrosse, I hear," I gave him a wink, spinning the ball on my finger.

Scott rubbed the back of his neck smiling. "Oh, yeah - that," he chuckled awkwardly, his face turning red.

I set the ball down on the bed, grinning. "'That'. Look at you, Mr. Modest," I teased. "I mean, first line, Scott? That's fantastic!"

I took a few steps closer, looking into his eyes when he gently took my hands in his, holding them between us.

He gently pulled me closer, and I could smell his minty breath fanning across my face.

I kind of knew that we were about to kiss, but didn't think to stop it.

I found myself looking at his lips, slowly leaning forward on my toes. He was a few heads taller than me, and I smiled slightly when he leaned down, our breath mixing.

"Hey, guys - I found this... oh."

Scott growled softly, surprising me.

I blinked, remembering that the Alpha bit him, that Scott was like me now, Scott was a werewolf.

I blushed, glancing over at Stiles, who had interrupted our almost kiss.

"Uh... well, I found this..." Stiles held up a skateboard. "In another room..."

My eyes widened as I figured out where he'd gotten the skateboard from.

My room.


Storm // Teen Wolf // Scott McCall (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now