The Memories

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I ran through the woods, each stride taking me closer to the old burnt down house in the forest.

I didn't even break a sweat.

I vaulted over the porch, skidding into the house with ease. I wouldn't have been able to stop running anyways.

I stared at the house around me, closing my eyes. The house was full of memories.

"Cora, don't antagonize your sister!" My mom called from the kitchen table. She was burning a tattoo on Laura's arm.

My sister, Cora, and I exchanged confused looks. "Hey, Peter! What does an-tag-o-nize mean?" I asked, grabbing my uncle's arm.

He was in a good mood, but, then again, he was always in a good mood.

He grinned down at me, his eyes sparkling. "It means that you're annoying," he teased, lifting me up onto his shoulders.

I giggled as he carried me over to see Laura's tattoo - it was a sort of spiral thing, but... it was different.

I cocked my head at the three spirals, connected in the middle. It meant something, I was sure, even at eight years old.

"Sawyer - come look at this. I'm going to teach you something," my mom announced, lifting me off Peter's shoulders.

Cora peered at it with me, her brown eyes full of confusion. While my sister was confused, I was curious.

I reached out to touch the shape, but quickly stopped, looking up at Laura for permission.

My sister grinned, nodding. "You can touch it," she assured me, taking my hand in hers and pressing my fingers against the mark.

Her skin was warm, and I felt a kind of tingling as I traced the tattoo on her shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked, looking between my mother and my uncle.

Talia Hale set my sister on her lap, smiling at me. "It's a triskele - it's a symbol to our kind," she whispered, flattening Cora's hair with her palm.

I frowned. "What does it mean?" I asked, crossing my arms.

I squealed as I felt two hands tickle my sides, lifting me up into the air. "Derek!" I whined, pouting as he set me back down.

My older brother chuckled, tapping my nose. "It means Alpha, Beta, and Omega," he told me, pointing at Laura's mark.

He tapped the top spiral, looking back at me. "Alpha," he said simply, raising his eyebrows, prompting me to finish it.

I traced one of the two bottom spirals, frowning slightly. "Beta, Omega?" I asked, looking up at my oldest sister.

Laura nodded. "It's a Druid symbol. One day, you can get one," she promised, pulling her shirt sleeve down to cover it.

Derek hummed in agreement. "Sure - let's just tell an eight year old that we'll burn a weird spiral onto her arm - great thinking, Laura," he muttered. Oh, great. Sarcasm.

Laura rolled her eyes. But I barely noticed - I was looking up at my mom, who had been staring at me.

Her brown eyes were full of a wisdom and seriousness I'd never seen before, and it scared me, just a little bit.

I opened my eyes, looking in the direction of the kitchen. Where Laura had gotten her first tattoo as sixteen years old.

Where they'd taught me about the triskele, and I'd seen something in my mom's eyes that scared me.

Where I'd learned more about our kind in a week than Laura had in a month.

In this living room, I had met Alan Deaton at nine years old, I had talked to a man named Deucalion at ten, and I had escaped a fire that killed my family.

I sighed, putting my hand on the banister of the stairs. I climbed up the staircase, to the second floor of the house.

I started toward my brother's room, sniffing the air to see if anyone else was there.

I opened the door, and picked up the basketball he'd always had. I smiled softly at it, spinning the dark orange sphere between my fingers.

Derek couldn't even look at the ball after Paige died - it reminded him of her too much.

I smiled softly at the room, realizing something.

I'd spent so long mourning my family, when I had been given a new family - a new pack.

Stiles, Scott, Mr. Stilinski, Melissa... and now, in a way, Allison.

I wasn't going to forget my mom and my siblings - I wasn't going to stop visiting Peter.

But I was going to be a better person.

For them.


I had a tiny smile on my face as I hopped down the staircase, the basketball in my hands.

I bounced it when I got off the stairs, walking towards the door.

I had just opened the not-so-well painted door, when I ran into something - or someone.

I fell back, landing on my rear. I scowled up at the t-shirt-clad guy standing over me, getting ready to give him a mouthful.

I stood, and glared into his pale green eyes - eyes that were familiar.

Time seemed to slow down as his face fell, and I realized I knew him.

I knew his scent, I knew those eyes, and I knew his dark hair.

And he knew me.

My breath shook as I took a step back, my eyes wide. "You-you... you're..." I shook my head in disbelief. He was alive. He was alive, and he was standing right in front of me.

He gulped, his gaze flicking to the basketball before going back to mine.

I looked down at the ball, my eyes filling with tears. "Derek-"

And then I heard the sirens.


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