Chapter 4

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I can still see the blood on my hands even though I washed them. I scrubbed them clean until they were stinging, and Alice had to stop me, but I still saw only red. I can't take my mind off of that man's death. He was a bandit, a murder and someone who would have killed or at least hurt countless people if I had not have stopped him, but I am still horrified about the fact that I killed him. I can't even close my eyes without seeing the look on his face as the life drained from his eyes.

"No one is going to be able to keep their eyes off of you tonight," I forgot Alice was helping me dress for the festival. I can remember her offering to help me dress and letting me borrow one of her old dresses, but it is all a blur. "You look so cute. I am tempted to lock you up and keep you all to myself."

I doubt she would try something like that, but I know I no longer possessed the strength to fight her off if she did. I feel her start brushing my hair, but I don't react. I just continue to stare at my hands, feeling the need to wash them again. Alice has been trying to cheer me u ever since she found me trying to scrub the skin off my fingers, but even her efforts can't get through to me. He had to die. I keep telling myself that I had to do it, but I still don't feel any better.

"I knew this dress would look good on you," Alice tells me, and I take a quick peek in the mirror for the first time since she started getting me ready.

The blue dress isn't as fancy as some of the clothing I wore before, but I like the frills, and Alice is right about how it suits me. As for my hair, Alice has brushed and pleated it while also weaving some flowers into it. I do my best to smile and thank her for the help, but I can barely force my lips to turn upwards.

"Don't worry about it," Alice says, placing a hand on my shoulder and smiling at me through the mirror. "Just go out and have some fun. I'm sure whatever is bothering you will disappear after you enjoy yourself tonight."

"..." I slowly nod my head, hoping what Alice just said is true.

"Now come on, I'm sure my mother would like to see you before you disappear for the night," Alice says, taking my hand. I am sure she was helping me to my feet in her mind, but in reality, she nearly yanks my arm off. "I'm sure she is going to be jealous of how adorable you look."

I don't have much of a choice about whether I go or not, as before I can even respond, Alice is pulling me towards the door. It's not like I mind, but I wish she would slow down before I trip and fall. It doesn't take long before Alice is dragging me down the stairs, and it seems like no time at all before we reach the front desk and Alice is pushing me forward.

"Oh, that brings back memories. I can still remember watching you, Alice running through the inn wearing that dress, causing all sorts of trouble," Sue smiles fondly when she sees me. "I must say it suits you well, Maria. I hope you won't get the dress as dirty as my daughter used to."

"..." I shake my head and smile as Alice frowns.

"You are making it sound like I was a troubled child," Alice moans.

"You still are a troubled child, dear," Sue replies, making Alice grumble something under her breath that I didn't quite catch. "Now, you should get going, Maria, and meet up with your friends before they start to worry about you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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