Chapter 3

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"You came back,"

As soon as I enter the inn, I am swept off my feet. Alice nearly crushes me with a tight hug making my head spin as she twirls around with me in her arms. No matter how hard I try to push away, I can't escape her. Casting a look at the front desk, I shoot a look at Sue pleading for help, but all I get in return is the elderly ladies warm smile.

"I take it that your first day as an adventurer was a success," Sue says as she gets up.

"..." I nod my head as much as I can in Alice's hold.

"I kept your room open," Sue tells me as she approaches and thankfully gets her daughter to let go of me. "I also saved you some food for dinner."

I smile as I hand over a small amount of gold. It shouldn't be enough to cover the room and meal, but Sue was kind enough to let me stay at a discounted price. I let her lead me into the small dining area, but I wish she would have stopped Alice from following me. It doesn't take long for her to try and get me to sit on her lap and offer to feed me.

"Come on, don't be shy," Alice says, holding up a spoon.

Sue retreated to her room for the night, leaving me alone to face Alice. I was lucky enough to grab my seat before Alice could. Unfortunately, I couldn't beat her to my spoon, so now she is sat across from me, trying to spoon-feed me. In the end, I have no choice but to give up and let her feed me. I tried to tell her, no, but all that achieves is making Alice smile and say how cute I am playing hard to get.

"Oh, by the way, some noble man's guards came looking for you,"

I feel my heart stop, and the food in my mouth falls out. They can't be looking for me. They were prepared to sell me off, so why would they? I can't go back home. I don't want to. I jump out of my skin, and if I was capable of making the noise, I'm sure I would have yelped.

"Relax, my mother told them you weren't staying here and sent them on a wild goose chase," I let out a sigh, but I don't feel that much calmer. "And if they come back, I will send them packing."

I smile, feeling much better watching Alice shadow box and listing to her explain how she would take down anybody who tried to grab me. I doubt she could take down one of my family's guards, but I feel a little safer hearing her offer to defend me. I'm probable going to have to find another place to stay soon. Maybe even leave town and... Lucas. I might not be able to see him anymore... no, I'm just overreacting. My family is probably doing a quick search to tell people they did everything they could to find me. By this time tomorrow, they will be telling people I am dead. They never made me feel important enough that they will tear the town apart looking for me.

"Let me know if you think someone is following you, okay," Alice says as she picks up the spoon again. "I'll make sure they leave you alone. Now say ah."

I hope everything will work out.

The following day I am awake and out of bed as the sun rises over the horizon. Alice is there to greet me as I go down for breakfast. There are only a few merchants there who have to leave town today who greet me politely, but I can only smile back. Before I am even seated, Alice is all over me, but thankfully Sue arrives to pull her off, reminding her daughter there are other customers to serve.

"Here, eat up," Sue smiles gently places a bowl of porridge in front of me. There is other stuff on the menu, but after I kept ordering the porridge, Sue and Alice started making a bowl ready for me in the morning. "I'm sure you will have a busy day today at the guild, so make sure to eat all of it."

I nod my head and start to feed myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Alice looking disappointed at this turn of events, but I prefer eating this way. As usually, Sue's cooking is spot on, and I happily devoured my bowl within minutes. Unfortunately, this meant some of the porridge got on my cheek, which makes Alice's day as she quickly moves to clean me up before I can even protest. Happily humming along, Alice cleans up every bit of porridge that missed my mouth, and all I can do is sit there and take it.

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