Chapter 2

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The forest floor is rougher than I thought as we enter deep into the forest. I have been here plenty of times before, but never has the going been so harsh. Loose pebbles and stray sticks threaten to trip me, while every once in a while, from time to time something rustling in the bushes makes me jump. We have not seen anything dangerous, just a few bunnies and squirrels that Lucas suggest we try to hunt on the way back, but there are scary monsters out here two.

Wolfs roam these woods in packs, and although they do not attack humans that often, their evolutionary form, known as a Dire wolf, will try to kill anyone it sees. Then there are bears that can evolve into great bears, dark fairies that trick people and then there are goblins that build nests and raid human villages. Against an experienced Adventurer, I am sure none of these monsters is even a threat. Still, they are all deadly creatures, which is why I keep jumping every time I hear a trig snap.

"Are you okay back there?"

Lucas smiles, looking over his shoulder at me. This is the eighth time it has happened, and I am expecting her will tell me to get lost any time now. Lucas was kind enough to form a party with me, but all I am doing is causing trouble for him. I do not know why he is putting up with me or looking at me with such kind eyes that I struggle to look him in the eyes. Finally, I nod my head and move to catch up with him. I cannot hold him back, I tell myself as we continue our march towards the goblin nest.

"Let me know if you need a break," Lucas continues to smile. "Just tug on my sleeve if you need something. I'm not used to working in groups, so I am probably making things hard for you."

"..." I rapidly shake my head. It is the opposite. I am the one making things hard for you.

"It's kind of you to deny it, but I am sure I am a burden on you,"

Why won't he understand? The smile fades from his lips, and it is heart-breaking to see. Please keep on smiling. I need to do something. Grabbing his arm, I force our march to come to a halt. Shaking my head, I hope he gets the message that he is not a burden for me. I wish I could talk. I wish I could say the words that will make him smile again.

"Sorry..." He looks away for a second, worrying me, but he quickly turns around, wearing that smile again. I can already feel my heart warming by its sight. "I shouldn't put myself down like that... thank you for stopping me, Maria."

"..." I smile and nod my head before we start to move.

"It has just been hard," He mutters. "Being rejected all the time."

I want to ask him more. I want to take away his worries, but I cannot bring myself to stop him again. Maybe one day, I can find the courage to take that step.

We continue our hike reaching deep enough into the forest that the trees are tightly packed together. We must duck and weave to continue moving forward. I pray we do not get lost. With how dense the forest is becoming, I fear that is almost certain to happen.

We must be getting near to that goblin nest by now. We have been walking for nearly two hours but have not seen a single sign of goblins in the area. I hope we are not already lost. I stay close behind Lucas so we do not get separated, keeping my ears open for any sound that could signal a threat. But suddenly, Lucas stops.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Branches breaks, and the foliage in front of us move.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

This does not sound like a wild animal. On the contrary, the snaping is happening in a steady rhythm like someone or something is doing that snaping on purpose. Lucas looks at me and puts a finger to his lips.

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